“Today is a Good Day for a Good Day”

Dear Reader:

I have already had a God Wink and I haven’t even started the post. As I was typing the title from the quote… twice I made the same “mistake”… (from letting my fingers get ahead of my brain.) After I “messed” up the title for the second time…I paused and then laughed. It read:

“Today is a god day for a god day.” I get it God…every day with You is a “God Day” made “Good” through You! You just open up Your arms to allow us extra “o” people into Your care and embrace. Each “o” is completely different from any other “o” You created and You know each and every difference.

When I first wake up in the morning…in that beautiful in-between stage connecting unconsciousness to consciousness…I slowly start thinking about the day ahead. What day of the week is it, do I have any medical appointments or get-togethers with friends or family, or check-off items that need tending to like the garden, oil change, gifts for special occasions and special someones (like Mr. Rutledge whose birthday is a week from today)…or tasks around the house that need my attention.

Yesterday I had an “Open” Day…the kind I love. However it was ‘grit’ time and I needed to clean out closets, take surplus items to *Goodwill , throw away junk mail, dust and clean my bedroom and change sheets on the B&B side. Normally this would not have constituted a particularly “good” day but actually I was ready to charge ahead.

*(Okay, here is a true confession senior moment…Here I am writing about “good” days and “good” things to do on “good” days but could I think of the charitable drop-off name on Trolley Road where I literally had just dropped off clothes and items earlier in the day when I got to the paragraph above? How pathetic is that…and the irony, of course, is the name: GOODWILL! Heaven help me!!)

Isn’t it funny how if you change one thing inside or outside your home…suddenly you notice all the other items that need throwing out or moving locations or whatever?

After a good night sleep on my new sheets and light comforter I wanted the rest of the bedroom to look good and smell that yummy clean good aroma. I grabbed the paper towels, large garbage bags, cleaning materials and went to work ridding the bedroom of “stuff”…that seemingly innocuous “stuff” that has sat around long enough to gather dust and cob webs.

Two bags and a box later…I was off to Goodwill!!!  As I drove away, not only did my car feel lighter but I felt lighter too. Ridding our lives of “stuff” constitutes a very good day for me!

The reason I have so more good days than bad ones…is this blog. There is definitely a connection between creativity and the soul. I feel it every day when I start to write. I have never dreaded writing a blog…in fact it is the best time allotment in my day. How can I not have a “good” day when I know I am going to get to do something that makes me happy every single day!

Apparently I am not alone with this sentiment. Carolyn Gregoire, in her article titled “Why Finding Time Each Day for Creativity Makes You Happier” has discovered scientific evidence that supports this theory.

According to a recent study out of New Zealand, engaging in creative activities contributes to an “upward spiral” of positive emotions, psychological well-being and feelings of “flourishing” in life. 

This isn’t just good news for people who work in creative fields. Anyone who finds time for creative hobbies and side projects like writing in a journal, trying out a new recipe,  sketching, crafting or playing the ukulele is likely to experience the same effect. 

Creativity is defined as coming up with new ideas, expressing oneself in an original way or spending time engaged in artistic pursuits. 

Making time for us to create allows us to rise above existence and instead experience “flourishing…” which researchers define as experiencing positive personal growth ― by assessing things like how engaged people feel in their daily activities and how rewarding their social interactions are.

Creativity can also help lower stress and anxiety , enhance resilience and contribute to a sense of playfulness and curiosity. Engaging in creative activities and art-based therapies has also been linked to improved physical and mental health. 


When I think back to that time period between my breast cancer diagnosis in May of 2008 until starting the blog in July of 2010…I was really struggling physically, mentally, and spiritually to find a purpose for my life…a way to reach out to others and use what time I had in the best way possible.

*St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope and the blog came together and since then I have “flourished.” I do feel a sense of purpose now that was missing from my life.

So until tomorrow…Even though the fight against this disease continues…emotionally and spiritually the spiral keeps climbing.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

I had a couple of inquiries asking me about the plant below with the yellow spikes…a new addition to the garden. It is called Sunset Ixora. It comes in my two favorite colors…yellow and orange…loves the sun and the spikes turn into beautiful blossoms.


 *Honey and Mike just stopped by the Chapel of Hope on their way to a musical festival…it looks like the stained glass in the front of the chapel has been damaged or has a leak or something and she discovered some rock mounds nearby but not sure of their symbolism. The first picture I left in 2010 of me, Mandy, and newborn Eva Cate is still on the altar…amazing!






About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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3 Responses to “Today is a Good Day for a Good Day”

  1. bcparkison says:

    Oh…I am so glad to find out about the plant. I should have known Ixora. Just beautiful! Will have to check with Treelady and see if she carries it.
    I found you only recently so don’t know your whole story,but you are in my prayers. yes…today is a good day.

  2. Rachel Edwards says:

    Becky, I love how people find your blog and once they find it …they are hooked. I love the plant too. Is it hardy and able to take the heat? If so I need to get some. I hope to get by soon. We have been gone a lot lately, but you are always on my mind.

    • Becky Dingle says:

      Yes…the plant is hardy…my yard gets so much sun…my plants have to be really tough to survive. This plant fits that criteria. Let’s do get together soon…maybe you, Debi, and I (and Honey if she is home) can do another day adventure again…always fun!

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