Category Archives: Uncategorized

Each Tree is a Door to Opportunity

Dear Reader: I had one of those nights Tuesday night when I just could not get to sleep. For whatever reason I was wired… my mind was scurrying all over the place. It was probably around 4:30 before I fell … Continue reading

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The Magic and Mystery of Life…

Dear Reader: Following Tommy and Kaitlyn on their magical tour of Ireland was like re-living my own experience touring it with Anne in 2014. Has it really been that long? As Kaitlyn and Tommy talked with their travel agent about … Continue reading

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Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood Does It Again…

Dear Reader: Ever since the latest terrorist-induced tragedy at Manchester, England this quote from Fred Rogers has been circulating (via the internet) at the speed of lightning…because it addresses the basic fear we are all experiencing. When and where is … Continue reading

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Memorial Day…Letting GO

Dear Reader: I had a story picked out today for Memorial Day or Decoration Day as it has been called in the South…but then a phone call changed all that. With all the riding back and forth between Mount Pleasant … Continue reading

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Our Greatest Gifts…Friends and Family

Dear Reader: Have you ever wondered how difficult life would be without a friend or family to pick us up when we fall…to tell us that “everything will be alright.” Many of us in the baby boomer age bracket have … Continue reading

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Let the Light Flow…

Dear Reader: It worked… light cascading from the old water can to the grass like twinkling stars tumbling over a water fall! 🎉 Last week, a friend from high school, Jane Taylor Freeman, sent me an idea for my garden. … Continue reading

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Widening the Different Angles of Life

Dear Reader: Yesterday as I was coming down the driveway to my garden I turned the corner and suddenly I saw the deck and back of my house from a different angle…from the perspective of the roses growing perpendicular to … Continue reading

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Diving Beneath the Surface of Living

Dear Reader: Don’t we all have moments when we pause long enough to wonder if we are just ‘surfing the surface’ of life and missing out on the deeper spiritual wonders of the world…that are just waiting for us to … Continue reading

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The Bee and the Bloom

Dear Reader: I just got re-introduced to Mark Nepo again after years of losing him to the dusty attic of my personal memory box. I moved on to other writers and poets and time worked its enigmatic power over my … Continue reading

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Snippets of May Memories- 2017

Dear Reader: May has been such a kaleidoscope of changing patterns, colors, and events that I am still a little dizzy from it all and we still have a little over a week to go. If I had to pick … Continue reading

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