Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life Lessons Float

Dear Reader: Rutledge received a fish as a gift from one of his little friends at the birthday party. Even at Rutledge’s age…there are lots of life lessons that can be learned from this little fella or gal. Mark Nepo, … Continue reading

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The Meaning Behind “In the Meantime”

  Dear Reader: Since being diagnosed with breast cancer I have lived my life in the land of the “not knowing“… found joy in the “In-Between“… and discovered true meaning in the term “In the Meantime.” As soon as I … Continue reading

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The Magic of Growing One’s Own Flowers

Dear Reader: Saturday I went to find flowers in my garden to fill the jar sitting on my dining room table. As I was pouring water and then placing the coleus, long leaf sunflowers, yellow mandevilla blooms and multi-colored zinnias … Continue reading

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The Words for Father…How They Originated

Dear Reader: The third Sunday in June is designated as “Father’s Day” yet…the more formal term “father” is not used by most children around the world. Instead more familiar, endearing terms are used. I found the history behind the evolution … Continue reading

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Those Ambiguous Rogue Thunder Clouds

Dear Reader: To a gardener, who really wants it to rain, the past couple of days have been pretty frustrating. The rain percentages are high, the background scenery is black and ominous, the roll of thunder shakes the house…but then … Continue reading

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“Remember the Last Time When…”

Dear Reader: Yesterday I got bogged down with memories as I was separating old photos and placing them in different zip-lock bags with each child’s name on it. I knew I would….that part of the de-cluttering takes the longest because … Continue reading

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                                          Life is Short…Laugh!

Dear Reader: I came across the wittiest imaginary conversation between God and St. Francis of Assisi…the more I read…the more I smiled…and then chuckled. See for yourself: (If we can’t laugh at ourselves…we need a few lessons in humor.)   … Continue reading

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“What Feeds Your Soul?”

Dear Reader: One room down…five to go! I can do this! I am really getting a system going now…before I start I have big trash bags handy, little trash bags in tow…along with zip-lock bags of different sizes for saving … Continue reading

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“I’m Tired…But It’s a Good Tired”

Dear Reader: While I am typing this blog…I can honestly say that I am tired…a weary down-to-the bone kind of tired… which doesn’t happen often to me any more. But to be honest…it  feels really good…what my Grandpa Charlie called … Continue reading

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Tell Your Story…Your Way!

Dear Reader: The title picture above is one of my Kelly Rae Roberts ornaments from the cute little gift shop on E. Richardson Avenue that no longer exists. Today Fleet Feet Shoes is located there. I fell in love with … Continue reading

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