Category Archives: Uncategorized


Dear Reader: How many times have we texted or called a friend …asking this very same question? And then how many times have we been the recipient of such a question from a friend? We respond by saying ” I’m … Continue reading

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” Today is My Favorite Day”

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a special day … a combination of recent and past memories, with a few God Winks thrown in for good measure! It was the kind of day that reassures us …we are not alone. First of … Continue reading

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The ” War of the Hibiscus”

Dear Reader: After taking a quick early morning photo of my two revived side yard hibiscus plants …with their white and red blooms… I started remembering our earlier discussion on the War of Roses a few weeks back. Isn’t it … Continue reading

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Making ” Scents” of the Past

Dear Reader: Last night, just as it was starting to get dark… I jumped up and drove to a gas station ( almost on empty) and then onto the ATM at my bank in town… knowing that this morning I … Continue reading

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How to Live Joyfully in a Digital Age…

Dear Reader: From comments I hear around me from friends and everyday people just trying to ” dog paddle” through the dark waters of a ” wired world” (that threatens to pull us under with too much ” too much” … Continue reading

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Is It Time for a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

Dear Reader: It might seem strange … already thinking of a day off when the schools in the area just started back this week… but I am thinking of an adult ” Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?” ( Singles, Parents, Grandparents… … Continue reading

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Shine On… Your Way!

Dear Reader: The hardest part of ” surviving ” the Wonder Years” ( aka middle school) is having the courage to be yourself and shine on your own terms. Not all, but most tweens and early teens are self-absorbed and … Continue reading

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Take Time … to Take Stock in … and …of Yourself!

Dear Reader: As a child I remember getting a rather negative impression of terms like ” inventory ” and ” stock.” My uncle ran a dry-cleaning store and every Christmas he and his wife would talk about closing up three … Continue reading

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Silence is Golden

Dear Reader: When I came across a funny ( but relatable) anecdote a few days ago… I saved it because I intuitively knew it would make a fun story for some future theme. ***But before I share this story… let … Continue reading

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High Roads, Low Roads and God’s Road

Dear Reader: The only childhood memory I have from the expression ” I’ll take the high road and you take the low road” comes from the popular Scottish song (” Lach Lomond-a rather sad lost-love ballad.”) Today this idea of … Continue reading

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