Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nice is the New Cool…

Dear Reader: ” Unexpected kindness is the most powerful , least costly and most underrated agent of human change.” Bob Kerrey In spite of so much troubling erratic and spiteful behavior we witness more and more on social media… I … Continue reading

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” T’was” the Time to Move…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I woke up with a new perspective on life… diligently work on eating and getting lost muscle mass and weight back on and share my suggested delish secret ” weapon” with my friend, Anne, in her new … Continue reading

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Be Careful What You Wish For… It Just Might Come True…

Dear Reader: Ever since I read The Monkey’s Paw ( published in 1902) in my high school senior English class… I still shudder over the three ” mystical” wishes that one family experiences…changing their lives forever. We also got to … Continue reading

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It’s Okay to Be Human…

Dear Reader: How many times do we have to be reminded that the most important memories ( upon reflection) are always the small personal moments with humans… whether they be family, friends, or even complete strangers? Yet we spend so … Continue reading

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Win the Day…

Dear Reader: Yesterday was as close to a perfect day as I have had in awhile! Cool, sunny, not a cloud in the sky… a family gathering and celebration of life-my daughter Mandy’s birthday! Last week Sara Haines picked out … Continue reading

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Lovin’ on My Hometown Over Labor Day Weekend…

Dear Reader: Riding through historic Old Summerville on my way home with the windows down, brought back so many memories yesterday …as the sheer charm and beauty of our ” Flowertown in the Pines” enveloped me completely! I am in … Continue reading

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A Hint of Hope-Fall

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning, after saying ” Rabbit, Rabbit” I wandered onto the front porch to turn off my night light lantern. I was literally stopped in my tracks by cool breezes sweeping across the plants and decor. I raised … Continue reading

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So Many Signs … Time After Time…

Dear Reader: As I walked out yesterday morning… I started looking around the yard, gardens, deck …and front porch. And then , lastly, I looked on the back wall… the plaque said it all. Boo’s Blessing! It was still perfectly … Continue reading

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Storms and Bottle Trees…

Dear Reader: As I was writing today’s Chapel of Hope Stories post (yesterday) after lunch… the outer bands of then tropical storm Idalia were turning up the rain intensity from the earlier morning rain showers. I put on my Little … Continue reading

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” The Gate of Heaven is very low, only the humble can enter it.”

Dear Reader: When the wonderful John Lee agreed to build me a moon gate for my still dream garden that originally was going to be designed for nocturnal plants ( like moonflowers ) the big cut-out circle in the middle … Continue reading

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