Dear Reader:
The only childhood memory I have from the expression ” I’ll take the high road and you take the low road” comes from the popular Scottish song (” Lach Lomond-a rather sad lost-love ballad.”)
Today this idea of a high and low road can also, be found in medical journals and articles like “Anxiety and The Brain -The High and Low Road.”
The low road is the part of the brain based in worry and ruinations about the future-it is referred to as the Worry Loop. It’s job is to think, plan, and act.
In this diagram the high road (when it comes to confronting anxiety) is called The Fear Circuit. This part of the brain feels anxiety as fear, panic, and phobia. It is there to keep you alive in imminent danger.
But always between these two metaphorical roads lies the one true path… God’s Road… God’s Path.
As the new school year unveils next week / with all my grandchildren returning to school and classrooms- each child is facing a similar but challenging start for the first time.
As fate would have it this year…Eva Cate, Rutledge, Jake, Lachlan, and Eloise have found themselves in new classroom situations…separated from groups of students-either in their neighborhoods or past classes or schools-for the first time. They will all be challenged to make new friends … so this year the first few days of school… will require courage and openness to new teachers, classmates, and situations.
I have been reassuring them that when you get as old as ” Boo” you can look back on similar situations -times when I was disappointed or anxious about being separated from secure and familiar surroundings to starting over.. relationships or perhaps a new job, classroom or school, new administrations and even subject changes.
And as much as I didn’t initially like it… in hindsight it was the best thing to happen to me… the change took me in another direction that opened up more opportunities for me in the future… and the new friends became my best friends!!!
It always comes back to understanding the difference between wants and needs-A very important lesson in life!
So until tomorrow… What you want is not always what you need. Allow things to unfold how they are meant to- God’s got this … and soon you will too! The best school year ever… my ” Faithful Five!”
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Anne is living today’s ” post’s message” as she made the courageous decision ( just recently) to sell her decades-old house-getting rid of half of her accumulated possessions and moving into a new life with less maintenance, less upkeep, and less ” stuff.” A complete start-over! A new beginning!
After some Duke’s Barbecue ( been gone too long-so good) Anne showed me her new home… just perfect!
One of the many things I have always admired about Anne is that she can make a large life-altering decision faster than anyone I know.. she is always looking ahead for the next adventure! This decision is perfect for the times!
Agree…life is about embracing new things abd changes…congrats to Anne…