Dear Reader:
” Unexpected kindness is the most powerful , least costly and most underrated agent of human change.” Bob Kerrey
In spite of so much troubling erratic and spiteful behavior we witness more and more on social media… I have found the opposite to be true in my daily life.
Even Tuesday ( when Mandy and I went to my oncologist for the results of the PET Scan… ) the nurse giving me my new blood test was hilarious… telling me she had a wig on but her hair was growing and it was looking so good… she was almost there.
When we moved onto the examining room she was also my vital signs nurse …and whispered…” See… This is what I was talking about… and showed us her new braids starting to grow… she was so excited that Mandy and I were clapping and cheering her on… so by the time my oncologist walked we were all smiles.
It takes so little to change an anxious or nervous moment around simply by being extra nice and sharing kindness with smiles.
I find this to be true when talking to strangers in long store lines or any waiting arena… one compliment or kind word and more times than not a pleasant, if not downright funny, conversation follows.
My biggest disappointment this past week has been the down-right mean-spirited turn some Clemson fans did on Coach Dabo… no matter how many awards, honors, successes the Tigers have accomplished … it all disappeared faster than a genie in a bottle because of one loss. Is that all it takes these days to bring out the ” stones?”
From a devoted fan to a sports team that one loves and admires to a fanatic fan who overreacts to any loss or disappointment -acting as if they personally were insulted by a loss… one wonders how quickly the sports memory is… hero one day… goat the next.
For Heavens Sakes if some fans can’t see that Dabo Swinney is so much more than a highly successful coach… he is a good man.. who uses his position to model to his players how a good life should be lived… having high morals and principles, and always giving back to your community at every opportunity. He is symbolic of what we should want our state to represent… kindness and generosity.
So please… you fair weather ” fans” -if you are so disgruntled at Dabo and the Tigers … please find another team that meets your expectations 100% of the time! Good luck!
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

Good morning Miss Becky! (I have to say Miss and your first name as the least formal way) I was raised to show respect to others, or else! The rules set by my parents, and they too for the most part. Saying Miss, Mrs, Mr., to everyone older than me was a must! You lean young and it never goes away. But being respectful is also having something nice to say. Not so unlike the Fans of Clemson football not respecting another takes away all the times you were nice before, trust me it did with my Parents! Responding to any and everyone nicely, adding good morning, afternoon, evening, is a nice gesture, and never hurts to add. Then there’s paying for another’s meal because the person behind you in line waited forever in line with you. Any small gesture of kindness, being nice in a long line to a person that waited along with you, just makes the wait shorter and will often result in a conversation with 3-4 people in line, saying nice and or funny things makes others add in their nice and or funny line. Dabo Swinney hasn’t done anything wrong. Mr. Swinney still holds high standards and teaches his young men to hold those high standards that cover a wide range of things from respect, responsibility, and to never forget that Man in Heaven. Mr. Swinney hasn’t stopped any of his teachings to these young men! But, some how people react much the same way parents do when you slip up and not use Mrs., Mr.,or Miss, when speaking to others, it temporarily takes all of the prior greetings you said perfectly. Just like the Fan that’s not being nice right now will be rooting on the Tigers this Saturday when they win in a big way. Just to add my personal perspective, I see these College Coaches with all the rules that are pushed down from the NCAA they have to follow keeping the players in line and how much work that puts on the Coaches, gives me a high level of respect for them all! But so many Fans love their teams so much that when the team loses it brings out a gambit of emotions and unfortunately so many times the emotion from loss is nearly always carried out against the Coaches. As a Fan it’s great to have high levels of emotion. Emotion usually results in clapping, yelling, stomping your feet hoping the players react to it all. But it all stops then turns straight to the Coach. Another thing I read was that all the South Carolina teams in FBS1 lost last weekend. Things happen and a lot happen in mysterious ways! So, until Saturday, I hope all emotions are turned back to good and the clapping yelling, stomping of the feet will be back. The yelling even in Dens across the State will be loud and proud. So, be mindful and care for what you say, continue to reach for the next level, continue respect, and kindness, don’t forget there’s someone up above. All these things should be even for Fans.