Dear Reader:
How many times do we have to be reminded that the most important memories ( upon reflection) are always the small personal moments with humans… whether they be family, friends, or even complete strangers?
Yet we spend so much of our lives climbing that symbolic career ladder, never content to stop and enjoy the moment, the view, for fear we will miss out if we don’t reach the top of our personal pinnacle goals. We lose sight of the reality that the higher we climb… the more distorted the view can become.

Always in these moments we must fall back on our faith and trust in our Father to guide us in the right direction and keep us safe. Case in point… the following anecdote.
A group of famous botanists were searching in a famous mountain range for rare flowers. Suddenly one botanist spotted a specimen beyond their wildest dreams. However it was located on a small ledge of rock that could only be reached with a lifeline.
The group was given the name of a local shepherd boy who was familiar with the terrain. He was offered more gold coins than he had ever seen to scale down the rope and retrieve the rare flower.
But the boy feared the job was too dangerous as he surveyed every angle imaginable. He simply couldn’t see any safe way to get to the flower… and he would have to put all his trust in strangers’ hands.
Suddenly he had an idea… he left the group and returned with an older man-… he was holding hands with his father.
The boy turned to the botanists ” You can tie the rope under my arms now. I’ll go into the canyon as long as you let my father hold the rope.”
So until tomorrow… When life challenges us to overcome our deepest fears… we must remember to throw the rope to Our Heavenly Father.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
