Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy World Smile Day!

Dear Reader: Yesterday Friday was Happy World Smile Day! And to tell you the truth I did smile a lot for all kinds of different reasons! I realized when I woke up… for the first time I got my timing … Continue reading

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Effort and Attitude

Dear Reader: Obviously these days this idea is a little more challenging -forcing yourself to eat when your body says ” No” is an extremely hard task to accomplish. I told the Ya’s I need my personal air traffic controller … Continue reading

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Fall… The New Seasonal RE-SET Month…

Dear Reader: Cindy Ashley shared this article with me a couple of days ago and it was a ‘pause to reflect’ article. The author was exploring why the last three months of Fall are more suitable for a Re-Set Reflection … Continue reading

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” Energy Angels”

Dear Reader: If God’s Winks come any faster… I won’t be able to keep up… because I feel like I hardly have time to blink. I sought Him out and there is no doubt GOD is leading me through this … Continue reading

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Living Longer or More Fully… Listen to Your Dog!

Dear Reader: Lots of God Winks keep poring in from many directions and I had been saving a story that touched me for just the right day… today appeared to be it- Walsh let the family know … that by … Continue reading

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We Live in a World of Uncertainty… That’s for Certain!

Dear Reader: Two weeks ago my largest uncertainty was my eligibility to participate in a new chemo drug… an important make or break change in my fifteen year sojourn fighting this “little c” disease … that was starting to spread … Continue reading

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Come on Storyteller…. There’s Chapters of Conflict and Perseverance yet to Be Written …Before a Surprise Ending!

Dear Reader: I have let myself dawdle from my life story… leaving far too many empty pages dangling in front of me. It’s time to pick up the pen again! Rev up my creative juices and start writing the most … Continue reading

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Holding Hands Part 2

Dear Reader: I have marked September 28 as my turn-around day… the day I reached out to God again. I had woken up early to call my oncologist’s office to ask for a anti-nausea medication and then received notification it … Continue reading

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Showing Up, Trusting the Journey, and Embracing Faith Over Fear….

Dear Reader I have a confession… I am completely bored with myself! Me, Myself, and I! I am ready to be around people… hear funny stories … some jokes… so if you have heard a funny one lately please please … Continue reading

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My Favorite Things…

Dear Reader: Had an epiphany yesterday… why weren’t my symptoms matching my ” sick” feelings… when it comes to this mysterious ” bug. I did have the classic flu signs, took all the standard medications and got in and out … Continue reading

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