Dear Reader:
Lots of God Winks keep poring in from many directions and I had been saving a story that touched me for just the right day… today appeared to be it- Walsh let the family know … that by Thanksgiving Miss Dolley Dingle will be arriving !! (They have really missed Poogie for several years.)
I love all my grand dogs-four grandsons and soon to be two granddaughters…

***( My fourth grandson ( Shotsky) has some disabilities and these days… divides his time between Tommy and Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn’s generous mother Susan ( who provides another home for him so I have no pictures as he does not attend family gatherings! )
… and now to the story ( paraphrased)
A Lesson for the Ages…
When the veterinarian left to visit the ten year-old Irish Wolfhound, Belker, he knew his owners ( Ron and Lisa) were hoping for a miracle. It was not to be… Belker was suffering-last stages of cancer.
He kindly offered to return the next day to perform an euthanasia. His owners thought this would be a good life lesson for their six-year old son Shane to observe too as a family unit.
The veterinarian quietly observed Shane who was calmly petting Belker and whispering to him… so when his parents began crying on the news Belker had transitioned …Shane just patted his head one last time. No confusion -or even puzzlement.
But he did begin listening to his parents and the veterinarian discussing how unfair life seemed to be concerning animals with the amount of limited time allotted them. They wondered why this was so….?
Suddenly a small voice responded: ” I know why. People are born so they can learn how to live a good life…like loving everyone all the time and being nice. ”
” Well dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay so long.”
The veterinarian said he had never heard a more comforting explanation.
Together the foursome began to write down all the examples Belker ( or any dog) exemplified about loving and caring. ( Here are few examples…)
. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them
. Take naps
. When you’re happy … share it by frolicking around and wagging your body
. Enjoy long walks
. Be loyal and trust-worthy
. When someone is having a bad day-be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
So until tomorrow… Isn’t it wonderful how many forms of life can become guardian angels to us… be there and stay there in some of our loneliest times… God created so many other living creatures for a reason and the closest ones we call pets.
Shotsky, Atticus, Pip, George, Winnie and soon to be Dolley Dingle! I love you all!!!BooBoo- ( You bring much love into my life and never whine” How much longer until we get there?”
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Another God Wink… I woke up -walked outside and squealed… finally a morning glory was smiling at me!

I hold you tight in my thoughts every day. Hugs!
We Libras have to keep this world balanced as well as our lives.. but doesn’t it get harder every year! 😉
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