Dear Reader:
Obviously these days this idea is a little more challenging -forcing yourself to eat when your body says ” No” is an extremely hard task to accomplish.
I told the Ya’s I need my personal air traffic controller to keep up with times … take medicine for nausea every eight hours diarrhea after a ” problem ” … force feed myself while gagging so I can take ” Big Blue” … a lot to keep up with… but I am not giving up… and I realize I must be kind and gentle… to myself…I went into this new drug under very weak conditions… flu/gag reflex to solid foods and it is just going to take longer for my body to adjust.
I remember reading something one time that stuck with me… ” Two things you are in control of in your life… are your effort and attitude.
And these two attributes are alive and well… stronger than ever… yesterday when the morning started badly… I thought ” Et Tu Universe.” But then a certain young man named Tommy Dingle heard about my misfortune getting something I thought I could eat… left work and arrived with the product! Another God Wink to let me know I have not been deserted… God will provide.
So until tomorrow… Trust in God… Trust in God! I am holding tight!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Jo’s little Winnie is going with me to all my oncology visits… in fact ” Have Winnie Will Travel!” Stays right beside me!
Here’s some info… if for any reason your email doesn’t deliver the post… immediately go to the Chapelofhopestories website-it will be there! Give it a try if old ” Brain Freeze” ( me) messes up the date again! 😆
YOU are the bravest person!
No… not brave… just trusting! 💗👍
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