Category Archives: Uncategorized

Nothing is Everything…

Dear Reader: When I saw this visual observation on the internet….my first thought was…my name must be on it some place. As a single parent (when I was still teaching) I felt exactly like today’s title message. I could hardly … Continue reading

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“Go Get Some Popcorn…There will be a L-O-N-G Intermission!”

Dear Reader: This sign at the Community Theater in downtown Summerville makes me smile…one…because it shows a lot of “spunk” but two…because of a memory I have concerning a very long movie intermission. I think I was about 11 or … Continue reading

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Turning “Double-Digit”!

Dear Reader: It is a benchmark moment when your oldest grandchild goes “double-digit.” “No way…there is no way” you tell yourself… but there it is…Happy 10th Birthday Eva Cate! (Memories come flooding back to the night I got the call that … Continue reading

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The Scent of Home ….is a Lovely Breeze, Home Cooking, and Love

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a perfect day…warm with slightly cooler breezes that just seemed to float effortlessly into my home…with all the windows raised…and everything within… smelling  fresh and green! I like the new scent of my home now…it has … Continue reading

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Let Us Never Stop Growing…

Dear Reader: Lately I have included in my daily prayers a little addendum that basically says “Give me continued strength to keep growing, Lord.” How easy it is, as we grow older, to slowly let go of growing in the … Continue reading

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Laughter is Good for the Soul

  Dear Reader: I just felt like we needed a day off from too much over-thinking about the “What-if”s.”  The “What-if’s” will take care of themselves in good time…but in the meantime…let’s go for a chuckle or two today…. Some … Continue reading

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Becoming Bigger Than Your Problem

Dear Reader: Remembering my grandmother’s words of wisdom are becoming easier and easier…much more so than remembering something that recently happened or even happened just a few years ago. Age brings with it… lots and lots of memory hiccups and … Continue reading

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Is it Time to Change Your Story?

Dear Reader: On one of the early morning talk shows yesterday they had author Emily Esfahani Smith talking about the four “pillars” of meaning in life and the importance of finding them. A summary of the main ideas in her … Continue reading

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Still Unsettled…

Dear Reader: I have to laugh when I looked up the term”unsettled” as it relates to weather conditions. The definition read: …A condition in the atmosphere that’s likely to lead to precipitation. While not calm and sunny weather, it’s not … Continue reading

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This is the Time to Invest in Ourselves…Believe in Our Talents!

Dear Reader: The coronavirus has changed all our lives to a certain extent… some more than others …especially small business owners or workers laid off for lack of business and revenue. As people look around for ways to supplement incomes…we … Continue reading

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