Category Archives: Uncategorized

Keep Looking Up…We’re Gonna Get There!

Dear Reader: In recent days, especially since the turbulent weather and “tornado” Monday morning scare, at the beginning of the week, Mother Nature has  been extra kind to us. The days have been  breathtakingly beautiful…with practically zero humidity, thus creating … Continue reading

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Adult Bogeymen…the “What If’s?”

Dear Reader: Don’t we all remember, as children, going through the phase of having to look under the bed and in the closets before going to sleep each night…to make sure there were no bogeymen in the room? We eventually … Continue reading

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“Over There & Over Here”…A Sign of the Times

Dear Reader: As an American/SC history teacher for over 30 years…seeing coronavirus posters resembling the old Uncle Sam Wants You Posters from World War I and World War II patriotic posters… really brings back memories of teaching those two time … Continue reading

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Trust that an Ending is Followed by a New Beginning

Dear Reader: Easter teaches us that endings are only new beginnings if we allow ourselves to believe in the circle of life. This concept is true of everything we experience while living our time on this planet …how many times … Continue reading

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What a Difference a Day Makes!

Dear Reader: If nothing else…this crazy roller-coaster ride we are on in the midst of the pandemic… plus turbulent weather… is giving us a ride of a lifetime….though I must admit the end of the ride beckons me and I … Continue reading

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Boo’s Blessings

Dear Reader: It wasn’t until I looked back over yesterday’s photos that I realized something important was missing from one photo…Look at the two pictures of “Little Big Red”- comparing last Easter to this one…the one on the left showed … Continue reading

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“Maybe Easter Perhaps…Means a Little Bit More”…

Dear Reader: The best thing about being a grandparent is getting the opportunity to see the world again through the eyes of a child. It changes everything…as if technicolor has suddenly turned the grays and blacks of reality into all … Continue reading

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These are “Tender” Times…

Dear Reader: Elvis Pressley “hit it big” with his song Love Me Tender and the immortal first line….”Love me tender, love me sweet…never let me go.” To this day…whenever I hear the word “tender” in reference to anything…that first line of … Continue reading

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“A Tisket, A Tasket…This Year It’s Bags…not Baskets”

Dear Reader: Another sign of the times this year as Easter quickly approaches is replacement bags for Easter baskets…for the first time in almost a decade Boo won’t be hostessing the Dingle-Turner Easter Egg Hunt. I must admit…it makes me … Continue reading

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Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

Dear Reader: I was thinking about the quote (in the title photo) that sits on one of my kitchen shelves that reads…”Live the life you imagined.”  It doesn’t exactly work any more does it?  I mean, who among us, could … Continue reading

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