Dear Reader:
I have to laugh when I looked up the term”unsettled” as it relates to weather conditions. The definition read:
...A condition in the atmosphere that’s likely to lead to precipitation. While not calm and sunny weather, it’s not super stormy either. Think: clouds, light rain or blustery at times.
Really? We had “unsettled” forecasts last weekend/Monday morning and we did experience precipitation (torrential at times along with hail) certainly not “light rain”…tornado strength winds (I think even Winnie the Pooh would admit that it was stronger than a “blustery” day) and certainly no one would argue against using the term “super stormy.” *All the post-storm news videos visually demonstrated this fact.
The reason I am bringing this weather lesson up…is that similar conditions to last weekend are returning again with our local weathermen calling for more “unsettled” conditions, lots of rain and wind. (*Am praying by the time you read this Monday morning…the worst of it will have passed us by with no emergency alert alarms going off like last Monday morning’s tornado warnings in the area.)
It does make me smile a little, however, because as a teacher I would usually walk into a classroom with the first words out of my mouth “Okay everyone…the bell just rang...Let’s “settle down” so we can start the lesson.”
This time around…I would love to look at Mother Nature with my stern teacher look and say something similar:
“Okay Mother Nature, you have been roughhousing long enough…it’s time to settle down and behave yourself.”
These days, of course, we don’t have to be talking about the crazy spring weather to use the term “unsettled.” All of us, whether we are quarantined at home, or still working, or watching the news with its on-going conflicting messages, are definitely feeling “unsettled.”
Our thoughts run the rampart…(as English teachers taught us to remember when writing a story)… Always include the (the Five W’s and one H) Who, What, When, Where, Why…and How?
The problem with using this educational formula today is that we have no background to compare solutions with … the answers to these questions are our best guesses using theories…since we have little to no former experiences to draw conclusions upon… from the past.
So where does all this “unsettled” mixture of opinions leave us during this rare pandemic…exactly where it should have been all the time…in God’s Hands…while we fortify our courage with faith and hope. Only God has the past experience to see the future unfold.
So tomorrow…When in doubt…pray!
Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not on thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct that paths.” Amen
While we are experiencing this new way of life…we might as well have some fun with it…Tommy called and asked who wanted a Clemson mask…while modeling for the family!
Go Tigers! (I have no doubt the Gamecock masks must be out there too…and the thought makes me happy…don’t we all want to see our boys playing again and enjoying the home state rivalry…if we get to play this year…it will be even more special with everyone a winner for getting through the pandemic to at least a certain point. )
Grabbed a snapshot of these two beauties right before the bottom fell out around lunch time yesterday.
Brooke sent the Ya’s this adorable picture/poster….(Oops There’s work to be done! 🙂
I kinda have to question the topic because I just looked in the mirror, and my beautician would agree that I’m somewhat of a mess. Since this is Monday morning, and I just had a walk (well, 100 steps count as a walk), I am so thankful that my wake up call this morning was not the emergency alarm on my telephone. The weather report last night was unsettling enough for me to throw a flashlight, pillow and blanket in my walk-in closet before going to sleep in my bed. My house is kind of like the national forest with so many trees around it, so high winds of any kind make me somewhat unsettled. Brooke’s poster is funny, but I’m not sure flattening that curve is in the realm of possibilities for me. Thank you, Becky, for taking time to bless so many people with your blog every day.
I was thrilled, too, not to be awakened with an emergency alert…in fact just a light rain..little wind….the front must have passed us by and gone elsewhere…I’m mot asking questions…just happy it decided to skip us this time. It sure didn’t sound good Sunday night on the weather reports. Whew! All the Ya’s were laughing too about ‘flattening’ the curve…(baby poster)…not enough time by the end of the month to get that job done! 🙂 🙂
Yes, do love that final baby poster pronouncement! But that’s only ten days away! Better start today if I’m going to change my silhouette even a wee bit. So thankful our chief provincial health officer here in British Columbia is encouraging us to stay home, BUT also make time to get out for some exercise and fresh air in our beautiful regional parks and wilderness areas too. Everyone needs a practical and caring person like Dr. Bonnie Henry in their lives! Thank you, Bonnie, for all you do to help keep us safe. Thank you, Becky, for all that you do to keep us informed and inspired!