Category Archives: Uncategorized

Don’t Wait on Good Times…Make Them!

    Dear Reader: For the past couple of weeks the tripod sprinkler system Michael installed for me in the garden has had a ‘mind of its own.‘ It was, originally, set to come on for 45 minutes each morning … Continue reading

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Feeling Uncomfortable? Texture is the Key in Comfort Foods

Dear Reader: I pulled several videos off the internet that I missed last Sunday from the CBS Morning Show…and particularly liked a segment on the types of comfort foods that we “stay at home” Americans are craving during these uncomfortable … Continue reading

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Hope is not Pretending that Troubles Don’t Exist

Dear Reader: I read once that hope was defined as ” Hope is a match in a dark tunnel, a moment of light, just enough to reveal the path ahead and ultimately the way out.” There was a study done on … Continue reading

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Thankful, Grateful, Blessed for our Nurses and Teachers

Dear Reader: I remember hearing a reporter make a statement, recently, that after 9/11 we never looked at a fireman the same way. After this pandemic ends, we will never look at our medical personnel, doctors, nurses, researchers, and all … Continue reading

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Life Keeps on Going…It Never Gives Up!

Dear Reader: The best lesson that I have learned from my garden…is patience. Life never gives up…and neither should we. Those first couple of garden seasons when so many wonderful friends and family members were giving me seeds, plants, bushes, … Continue reading

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Flourish and Be…

Dear Reader: One thing that has flourished under the pandemic quarantine (for me) has been the retrieval of personal memories…the ones tucked so far back…if not for the mandatory “stay at home” policy… would have been lost forever. I finished  … Continue reading

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The Story of Two “little c’s”

Dear Reader: Many of you have heard my story about why I personally call my particular cancer (breast cancer) “little c.” I certainly didn’t originate the term but have used it ever since hearing it. It’s hard to believe but … Continue reading

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Finding Joy in Our Story…Even in the Hard Chapters!

Dear Reader: When Michele came across this visual inspirational message…she texted to let me know she immediately thought of me when she saw it. As soon as I read it…I texted her back to say she was absolutely right…it would … Continue reading

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Learning the New Coronavirus Language

Dear Reader: Yesterday as I rode around Summerville… just to basically get out of the house…with my cars windows down and my radio playing…enjoying another beautiful day…I noticed new billboards that had gone up….some saying “Stay Home…Save Lives” …others referring … Continue reading

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When is Old Enough to Know Better Going to Kick In?

Dear Reader: Yesterday my eyes wandered to the top of my desk top computer…wherein lies a wooden plaque with the saying: “When is old enough to know better going to kick in?” I smiled to myself and whispered…”Never!” If nothing … Continue reading

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