Category Archives: Uncategorized

Your Summer Story

Dear Reader: Yesterday was Father’s Day and the longest day of the year-the Summer Solstice! For the Lowcountry the predicted wash-out day was delayed, long enough, from the remnants of the tropical storm that hit Louisiana, to give everyone time … Continue reading

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The Perfect Summer State Sandwich of South Carolina-the Simple Tomato Sandwich

Dear Reader: Yesterday I had such a craving for a tomato sandwich I had to jump in my car and head straight to the Coastal Produce stand. Apparently I wasn’t alone in this desire… there was a long line to … Continue reading

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Pick Your Battles in Life

Dear Reader! Last Monday my StoryWorth question asked me what advice I would give my children now for raising theirs. I responded that most verbal advice goes in one ear and out the other when children are young. What children … Continue reading

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Knowing When You are Already There

Dear Reader: I love this whimsical ” Creation” artwork by Diane Frankenberger – Honey wrote a note on this card and sent it to me. I keep smiling every time I look at it. This Garden of Eden scene is … Continue reading

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Friendship is always Worth the Fight!

Dear Reader: When I sent Libby her birthday card on June 3 -it had a coupon in it -good for a birthday lunch at Oscars and a sleep-over on the B& B side! Yesterday was the day it came together. … Continue reading

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Giving Life Our All

Dear Reader: I think sometimes people immediately think of travel as a substitute for the word ” adventure ” … and feel like they didn’t accomplish much in life if they didn’t travel and experience the world up close and … Continue reading

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Life is all about Connections

Dear Reader: In most schools in the Lowcountry it is count-down week to summer vacation! An oasis of happiness waits on students and teachers! An ending to one of the most challenging years of teaching and student learning… ever-a well-deserved … Continue reading

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” Necessity is the Mother of Invention”

Dear Reader: I never cease to marvel at the creative endeavors and newly recognized entrepreneurs who have risen from the pandemic like a Phoenix from the ashes. Many used the loss of jobs to do what they always wanted to … Continue reading

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Greetings, Salutations, and “Hello”

Dear Reader: I love that my statue of St. Francis greets visitors to my garden! The perfect person to open up his arms to all who enter the sacred beauty of a well-loved sanctuary. When I looked up the origin … Continue reading

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If Ferns Could Talk…

Dear Reader: I am so proud of this sword fern – ( Boston Fern) is part of this family. It is huge and still growing-it is in a location where it gets filtered light and in a high humidity climate … Continue reading

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