Category Archives: Uncategorized

Make Each Day a Story Worth Telling

Dear Reader: The older I get the more I realize just what an amazing childhood I had! Since my family didn’t take trips much farther than the coast or mountains… and these events were few and sparse …it forced my … Continue reading

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A New Twist to the Christmas Star

Dear Reader: Some stories just make me laugh out loud and this one will probably cause me some embarrassment in church one Christmas Eve as Luke’s Christmas Story is read. The children’s Christmas pageant or skit with the pre-schoolers and … Continue reading

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“Let There Be Light … Again”

Dear Reader: I was thoroughly entertained this past week with a story in GuidePost I just happened to pick up. Apparently there was this upscale fashion show organized by the women of one church to provide money to local charities. … Continue reading

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What a Day… ” Just Saying”

Dear Reader: Just a short post today but a very appreciative one! I had my oncology appointment yesterday and was a little concerned over some chest symptoms and extra fatigue I had been experiencing! Blood work great and vital stats … Continue reading

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” But Why…?”

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all been around toddlers ( our own or friends and families) who have started asking … ” But why?” If it is our firstborn we initially think the increasingly repeated question is ” adorable and so … Continue reading

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You Might As Well Be Awesome

Dear Reader: Back in the 80’s and 90’s decades ( as a teacher) I thought I would start screaming sometimes if I heard one more student say something like ” Cool man… that’s awesome.” I should have kept a daily … Continue reading

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A Beautiful God Wink

Dear Reader: My blog actually started with a God Wink in July of 2010 when Honey took me to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust , NC. It was this chapel that “spoke” to me about a new direction … Continue reading

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Learning to Define ” Everything”

Dear Reader: Grandmother Wilson used to tell me that I could be anybody I wanted to be or do anything I wanted to do … but choose wisely. No one can do everything-so start prioritizing because no one can do … Continue reading

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The Main Thing is to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Dear Reader: The older I get the harder it is to stay focused on the one objective I really want to accomplish on any particular day. My focus wants to take every detour that pops up. About the only thing … Continue reading

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Finding the Magic in Every Day

Dear Reader: As I get older I realize just how much magic in life I missed, inadvertently, while stuck in daily survival mode-always rushing through each day to get everyone in the family to the right place at the right … Continue reading

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