Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stand Aside and Let the Beauty of Life In…

Dear Reader: Just a few years after my initial cancer diagnosis I tuned in to one of Oprah Winfrey’s last shows. A little toddler sitting between his parents – a boy-was stealing everyone’s hearts in the audience but rather strangely … Continue reading

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Life is all About Staying in the Zone… the Auto Zone

Dear Reader: This past week an amazing woman (whose children I taught) had a birthday and friends were leaving wonderful comments on FB to her. All very nice …but what caught my attention was her first line… ” I enjoy … Continue reading

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All Living Things Thrive Better 1:1

Dear Reader: Thanks to Mother Nature, recently, the Lowcountry is pulling out of the near-drought conditions it was headed for just a week prior… I had bought another water can to help me with my side garden since there is … Continue reading

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Pay the Story Forward

Dear Reader: In one of Barbara Johnson’s Daily Splashes of Joy she tells about a man who was moving to a new town. His friends bought him a young sapling to plant in his new home as a reminder of … Continue reading

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Depth Perception in our Lives

Dear Reader: When it came time to select lenses for my eyes before my cataract surgery a few years back…a choice for my particular visual situation was to place one eye lens for nearness-upclose and personal activities like writing my … Continue reading

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Love Yourself… Then love the World

Dear Reader: It has taken me a good chunk of my life to love myself but I am finally there. I can finally look in a mirror that once represented all my vulnerabilities for far too long … and now … Continue reading

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Adding ” Life Lifters” to Your Day

Dear Reader: ” Life Lifters” are exactly what they sound like-moments of human bonding through funny or sweet little anecdotes that leave people smiling. I love to be able to share a witty quip or joke with my doctors, medical … Continue reading

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Collecting ” Enjoyables” … things that make you smile

Dear Reader: Every time I see this little plastic frog it brings back bittersweet memories. A friend and teaching colleague of mine, Theresa Winders, was diagnosed with breast cancer around the same time I was. And when I started my … Continue reading

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A “Twister” in June

Dear Reader: As I first read the description in the ” Chirp” message I felt like a school child again…. waiting for that last bell to ring and let summer vacation begin! June is here! The nice thing about being … Continue reading

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A New Look at Going the Extra Mile

Dear Reader: All of us know that “going the extra mile” means being willing to make a special effort to do or achieve something. 54% of bosses seek out future employees willing to go the extra mile. This expectation works … Continue reading

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