Dear Reader:
Don’t you just love this card? (Etsy.com) It gets right to the heart of the matter… hiding our true human feelings under layers of societal politeness. We are all afraid to appear vulnerable.
When we tell others we feel fine when we don’t… we are making mental comparisons… Fine as in comparison to being alive rather than not or fine as in walking and talking rather than not. We humans play such complicated mind games with ourselves.
Brene Brown sums it up best… All of us fight hidden, silent battles against not being good enough, not having enough, and not belonging enough.
I love this original story she created to explain how important it is to recognize our humanness for what it is… imperfection.
She pictures a vast room filled with boxes marked for perfection because the reality is most modern inventions require perfection or they don’t work at all… airplanes, trains, boats, cars, surgery utensils, construction, etc. But after all these boxes were labeled.. there was a lot of paraphernalia left marked imperfection.
The name on the huge tattered box was ART because ART most closely resembles what it is like to be human/to be alive. It is in our very nature to be imperfect, to have uncategorized feelings and emotions , to make or do things that don’t necessarily make sense… ART is all perfectly imperfect.
So until tomorrow… It is in our imperfections and vulnerabilities that we discover our true selves and we finally understand just how much more lovable imperfection is over living with perfection!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Oh, Becky,
your gorgeous garden pics are just what I need this morning to motivate me with my garden that is crying for some major TLC. Thanks a bunch!!!