Dear Reader:
Don’t we all wish that when God gave out assignments for each of our unique paths through life…ours looked like Monet’s garden path?
Since I didn’t get that lucky… I think I have been trying to imitate the idea ever since through my own garden paths…

Sometimes haven’t we all looked at others’ paths and they seem so much more important or meaningful to more people and wonder why our paths seem to pale in comparison.
Then yesterday… I was reading an excerpt from a Kent Nerburn ( one of my favorite authors) book and read this quote:
” It is not our task to judge the worthiness of our path, it is our task to walk our path of worthiness.”
Aren’t we all conditioned to think our lives revolve around great moments… when, in reality, it is the little surprise moments that teach us the greatest lessons!
Case-in-point. Twelve years ago this Christmas Honey decided to sculpt these ” Mountain Mangers” whereas she literally took clay and first sculpted Joseph and Mary and completed the scene with a little mound…representing the Christ-Child.
As normal… the mangers had to dry for a period of time before being placed in the kiln. Every time Honey would check on the mangers…the two sculptures representing Joseph and Mary would go from being ramrod straight figurines to being bent. Why was this happening?
At first Honey tried to straighten them again until in a moment’s instance she fully realized the true meaning behind the curves…they were bowing over the Baby Jesus in reverence to Him.
When Honey told me the story… I had chills and immediately wrote some poetry to accompany the ” mountain mangers” explaining the strange phenomenon behind its creation.

Now that is an example of an everyday small moment that produced greatness and large memories in its symbolism!
So until tomorrow…We are exactly where we should be right now so relax and live the moment in gratitude!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

A Big Big Shout-out to my ” Sister in Love” Brookie! We were meant to be roomies at Erskine… of this we have no doubt! Brooke is the Ya’s ” Trailblazer” … the first one to enter into the next year of life … and we have already told her that the last three years have been way too challenging -we need this year to be a respite from the storms! Okay???

Brooke… our last good birthday year …you stuck a feather in your hair… for Heavens Sakes please stick it back in your hair today… it must have floated down from Heaven off an angel! 💗❤️💗❤️😘🎉