Dear Reader:
I got in late last night from Mt Pleasant so this post won’t be pontifical…but hopefully a thin slice of pensive … something I thought about while driving home yesterday.
I think Greatness in a person is exemplified by the power of the person to relate to all kinds of people equally and gain their respect and devotion through the unwavering core values found within that individual … that manifests itself so brilliantly … it becomes ” self-evident” to all when encountered -they are an uniting/not dividing force of nature !
Like many of you probably …I caught snatches of the diversified and moving oral tributes to former and first woman Secretary of State -Madeleine Albright. As I watched television and later listened in the car to the service …I started thinking that for the first time in a long time … a group of assembled political leaders weren’t making negative remarks … the assembled adults were acting like … well adults. Quite refreshing!
An atmosphere of utmost respect and courtesy was felt throughout the honorary service. No smirks or rude behavior was disruptive to the proceedings… no cameras appeared to be seeking out deliberate gossip or inappropriate remarks that could fan the fires of the on-going political divide.
Simply put… Madeleine Albright’s story is America’s story… ( at least at one time) and for a few precious hours the world could believe in the American dream again… we could believe in a strong indomitable spirit -a no nonsense politician who didn’t seek power or greed but quietly went about her business of making the world a more informed populace … concerning which “isms” were threatening which democracies.
Her keen insight into the Russian attack on Ukraine as an ” historic error” … (setting off a domino effect across the world ) is evidenced each passing day.
Simply put… this was a good person… generous with her service and expertise while still putting family first. A person with high priorities… who actually lived up to them.
So until tomorrow…. Thank You Madeleine Albright … a true hero to our country and the world.
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh
I couldn’t help but think that my 12 year old birthday granddaughter picked a great day to dress up as a strong political female who fought for a woman’s right to vote… I just hope there will be new strong women role models, the quality of a Madeleine Albright for the new generation of youth to follow!

Busy afternoon -took Ben to doctor visit… then went to Eva Cate ‘s to give her my presents and go to eat with family for birthday dinner-then over to Tommy and Kaitlyn to tell them good-bye before they leave for Ireland Saturday! A lot of family activity going on!!!