Dear Reader:
Susan drove me to Wellmore Assisted Living yesterday since she had to pick up some medical tests from East Cooper Hospital.
Ben was in great spirits… he’s exercising now daily and the medical staff is beginning work on setting up a baseline for his medical needs which has been long overdue in creating.
After leaving we picked up lunch and then went to Marshall/ Home Goods for a little shopping and it was there that I got my God Wink… the wooden plaque in the title photo.
As soon as I read the words I knew God was trying to reach me to give me a new perception of my life right now.
Oh how I remember as a single mother thinking that surely one day the peace and quiet I so desperately sought would be available to me. And guess what? It has!
Since my retirement, even with the breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments, my life has been exactly what I wanted. A new start in my spiritual life with the blog post, my true love writing, traveling, five beautiful grandchildren… my independence to come and go as I please. Like Father Tim…in the Mitford series, when he felt empty… God slowly started filling him back up and his life was never the same… it was better!
As Madeleine L’Engle once observed… ” I am still every age that I have been.” I feel the same way… I still want to learn the latest jargon and dance steps from the grandkids… have adventures.
Sometimes, however, we do need to pause and refresh, as Coke reminds us… when we have sent too much out… we need to wait for us to fill up again before proceeding down our chosen path.
Thank so many of you for adding your own depletion stories and your tools to dig back out! Linda Carson opened her calendar yesterday and wanted to share the daily message! Perfect!

So until tomorrow… ( Madeleine L’ Engle) ” It is when things go wrong when good things do not happen when our prayers seem to be lost, that God is most present.”
Summer is over…. School Days are Back!