Dear Reader:
A great God Wink yesterday appeared while going through a book shelf… the first book in the Mitford series fell out and I read the introduction inside the front cover.
The summary read: Father Tim finds himself running on empty. Just that one line made me so happy-even Father Tim found himself in a similar predicament as myself ! It happens to everyone!
Father Tim has helped so many people discover a new lease on life… now can he find one? Haven’t we all found ourselves wondering the same thing! Proverbs: Physician heal thyself? Before attempting to change other others’ lives, make sure we aren’t guilty of the same faults.
And how does God fill Father Tim back up? With a huge black dog named Barbabas, his secretary Emma who treats him like a ten-year-old, a hostile mountain
boy named Dooley who is thrust in his care. And… Cynthia Coppersmith-the soon to be love of his life!
God has such a wonderful sense of humor as He guides us along new paths unforeseen or expected.

We just have to keep believing God’s purpose for each of us is connected to all the new life experiences God plants in front of us.
So until tomorrow Father restore my strength and curiosity to continue searching for the people who will add heart and soul to our being … so we can then pass it on!

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
With all the rain we have had lately the grandchildren’s Japanese maples are gorgeous!

Becky…we need another ice cream date soon. Hopefully this delta variant will pass soon so we can feel better about not exposing someone. Love you lots.
I hope so ’cause ice cream waits for no man…or woman. 🙂