Dear Reader:
While riding down Johnny Dodds Avenue Thursday I saw what looked like a small mini-van with the following words on the back window.
We’re Here to Help Brighten Your Day
From the back it looked like a personal car and I was struck by such open sentiment to mankind … reminding me of Father Tim’s personal mantra “Let me be a blessing to someone today. “
As I got closer, however, I realized it was a store van with the name Bundt Cakes on the side. Admittedly it did take a little ” wow” off my enthusiasm when I thought it was an individual or family car. Still… if you have ever had a Bundt Cake-it really does brighten your day!

I “literally ” fell into some funny pictures of examples of taking signs too literally!
I plead guilty to contributing to its overuse …especially as I get older and life experiences teach me there is more gray in life than black and white.
I think in conversation we somehow think we are more believable if we start or end a statement with ” literally.”
As a writer I should know better. Joe Fridays ” Just the facts madame… just the facts.” would have a hard time cutting it in today’s ” fake news” society. Things have gotten so bad that even the old days of ” yellow journalism” look white comparatively-especially since there actually few if any real facts to back up attacks and accusations.
But if we did live in a ” literal” world…. well it could bring about some creative and figurative actions. Have fun!

So until tomorrow I can literally, actually tell you I believe this statement to be true in my soul!

“Today is my favorite day.” Winnie the Pooh
I love my friend and mentor Janet Bender-she takes giving and helping to a whole other level. She picked up shirt Bekah gave Ben to wear for a picture together-then took it home and made aprons for Bekah and Ady so they will always have a ” piece” of Ben with them . What a fantastic project of love!!!
