Dear Reader:
In Ecclesiastes 3… Scripture reads ” To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven”…
Apparently God must think we are all challenged learners since just when we thought the worst was over with Covid … a term from the past… here we go again.
Yet there must be a purpose behind this second wave of sickness and sadness. No doubt our faith is being tested once again… and this time touching the most vulnerable spot within us… our hearts and protective love for our children and grandchildren.
God knows our heart already. He just wants to bring it out in our character. God keeps testing us even when we fail… preparing us for the most important test at some unforeseen future point in our lives.
James reminds us that the testing of our faith develops perseverance.
Job asks God why He tests man every morning in every moment.
Peter realizes we have to endure trials to show our faith is genuine.
My faith, like everyone else’s has been tested … especially with my on-going metastatic breast cancer and now my brother’s vascular dementia. But yet God has never left my side or dropped my hand.
So until tomorrow… We pass the faith test when we don’t surrender to despair and bitterness.
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

Dear Becky, You have taught us so many lessons through your enduring faith! I have often thought as I traveled through troubled waters, “what would Becky do?” I love you so and I’m keeping you, Ben and the family in my prayers.😘
Love you back my friend… the friend who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer to go see St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust, NC…the one venture that completely changed my life and started it again with the blog post… Chapelofhopestories. Eleven years ago this month. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Through your trials in life, you have taught me how to tie a knot & hang on tight! You are one of the strongest people I know.
Wow Beth…maybe the old axiom is true…we don’t see ourselves as others do…because when I read your beautiful comment…I wonder who this person is…I don’t see me…except as a struggling mortal who hangs onto God’s Hand as tightly as possible and follows where she is lead.
Becky…love you sweet friend and thank you for liftimg up all of your readers on a daily basis…