Dear Reader:
How many of us have thought to ourselves ” I’ve blown it… if only I had a second chance?”
From the Creation on…the number 2 is the first number that we can divide another number from…as in initially(first) the earth lay in chaos, it’s condition was ruin and darkness.
The second thing recorded was the introduction of light. The Bible says that God divided the light from the darkness and the light He called day and the darkness, night.
With each succeeding second Creation implementation… a new positive opportunity arises. Just like when God gives us second chances at life, at happiness…at success.
Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final. Yet our God is the God of second chances.
We forget that God is a God of mercy and compassion and that His mercies are new every morning.
Five years ago, in 2016, Mev Schieder put this plaque on -line and I have loved it ever since! I do believe this is exactly what God would like to see all of us believe in and live in….in His House!

Please continue to keep my brother Ben in your prayers as he tries to keep his darkness and confusion at bay while more light and second chances at clarity click on long enough to keep hope alive.
So until tomorrow… ” Your grace and mercy brought me through, I’m living this moment because of you.” ( And a red ladder that bounced or was blown away by God at the last possible second to keep Ben and me alive…

Back at you! 🙂
Good Saturady morning dear Becky. Looks like we survived Friday the 13th and can carry on with a joyful heart. Actually I’m not superstitious but it did cross my mind more than once yesterday that it was the 13th and it was also Friday. But it was actually a lovely day shared with my husband, our son plus my cousin Heather and her husband, Jim.
Yes, it was hazy outside (due to the smoke in the air from too many wildfires out of control here in our beautiful province of British Columbia)….but still we could gather inside and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal together. And we did venture out long enough for a walk along the seashore too. The smoke seemed somehow less dense down by the ocean where cooler breezes were blowing.
Now we are moving into a new day…with His mercies new each day. I will venture out soon to water in the garden and pick a few fresh blackberries, planning to make some jam here today. I will also be praying for your brother, Ben, and our friends whose son committed suicide just three weeks ago….this a young man, husband, and father of three young children. Could such a thing really happen? Yes, it did and our friends (the parents of this fine fellow) are left to grieve and to try to comfort the wife and children so suddenly abandoned by their husband and Daddy. Very tragic.
Then finally wanted to comment on the wall motto that you sent along with your blog today. We have this same quote hanging on the wall of our main entry. I will try to send a photo later on….For now I must carry on out into our garden ….”I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses, And His voice I hear , falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses….And He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own, And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other, has ever known.”
Blessings and love,, Lynn
Wonderful hearing from you again Lynn…love that song. Keeping on…keeping on…such is the life we are given…through good times and tough ones…praying the tough ones will teach us a lesson and then move on too.