Dear Reader:
I am waiting on the next moonflower bloom to appear and open. Don’t you remember how excited I was when a couple of weeks ago the first gorgeous bloom appeared?
I was at one of my lowest points-tired and sad-then suddenly as I was typing I glanced out my window and there was this beautiful moonflower bloom -a desperately needed God Wink.

Isn’t that the way it is in life? Not just living paycheck to paycheck… but bloom to bloom? We never know when it will happen and that is what makes it so intriguing!
However I must confess that I have never had to wait this long between moonflower blooms before…very strange. I feel like, however, that the evening it unfurls again will be a special time-a moment that exudes hope and happiness.
Yesterday I was happy … Bekah and Ady followed me to Wellmore to see their dad and granddad. Ben was so happy to see them!!
From there I was leaving for the first family gathering in Mt Pleasant…in weeks! We were finally back together before school starts back this week! In other words… yesterday my life was once again in full bloom.
So until tomorrow…”Living life in full bloom means living with hope and purpose in a way that cherishes and honors our planet, spirit, and each other. ” -Elizabeth Murray
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh