Dear Reader:

I only hope that you can feel my hug today…the expression of human contact and love!!

Love from me to you… from my ♥️!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines!
Dear Reader:
I only hope that you can feel my hug today…the expression of human contact and love!!
Love from me to you… from my ♥️!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines!
Dear Reader:
As much as I love Valentine candy, or cards, or flowers … it is the hug at the end of a visit that lifts my spirits the highest! Human contact!
I love what Meryl Strip added to the ancient ritual of hugging -release of empathy!
When I think back on all the hugs I have given and received… a high degree of empathy comes from the ritual of human contact. A wooden cut-out hug reminding us to give people we love empathy is a fulfilling prophecy!
Look at the scary world we live in -watching the news these days is like going to the Vampire movies as kids screaming 😱 throughout it!
And now why are many adults afraid of the news-because we all let greed win out over empathy to our fellow man and are slowly watching our Constitution being readily dismissed -the founding fathers’ powerful Bill of rights to protect individual rights… being threatened… the thought of losing our democracy makes me want to scream… are we really willing to give up the American dream ( that only came about from Americans willing to fight for ” We the People and instead turn our individual rights over to one individual who wants no restrictions on power?
So yes… we , as a nation, must keep our founding father’s dream of a democracy alive!
( Okay I just stepped off the podium … but a 35 year old veteran ( American History teacher) doesn’t go down easily!) I love my Democratic country too much to give democracy away. Our forefathers sacrificed too much not to keep it alive at any costs!
Yesterday ( Monday) was a wonderful day -been waiting on my kitchen and torn tiles to be replaced since arrival and today a new construction worker came in and fixed the unhinged top cabinet and replaced it with his own handmade design … no more fear it is going to fall off!
Then my sister-in-law-Susan Cadwell came by for a visit before going to a doctor appointment and it was so nice to have time to catch up with family and look at the ” pretty in pink” tiny blossoms she left me… Susan Swicegood said they have a very different name-
Ka Launch O … a type of succulent!
I wish Susan and I had more time catching up but the rains picked up and Susan wanted to leave the medical appointment asap…and get to a friend’s home who lives in Mt P …( went to grade school and high school together) where she was spending the night-another fun evening with an old friend!
There is something magical about reacquainting with friends who knew us when ! And for all of us … let’s extend our hug into empathy and compassion… we never know… it might be the last chance to do so!!!
My roommate for four years at Erskine… more years as roomies in Charleston when we first got jobs teaching in Summerville!
Brooke, as you know has been seriously ill for months with flu, coronavirus and congestion…but she finally got released this past week. Hallelujah! She called me to say SUNDAY was the day she was coming!!!
Dear Reader!
It was supposed to rain Sunday but the weather held off for late afternoon so Brooke could get home in plenty to of time and look what she brought me while checking out and crying with happiness. We turned our day over to God and miraculously we had the time of our lives !!!!
Being in a car together on a Sunday deserted highway ( to McClellan)!
After giving Brooke the tour of the facilities and my apartment we took the tulips outside in the low-70’s temperature!
Then Brooke told me we were headed to McClellanville and eating at the SeeWee restaurant… our favorite…. hardly any cars on Highway 17 … so we just talked and talked until we hit the SeeWee!
Every part of our cruising went perfectly… and after eating… we kept heading towards Hampton ( Archibald Rutledge’s famous home ( Georgetown) and you know how I love Archibald Rutledge! ) We are planning for our next Ya Reunion!
We went in the back way to get brochure information for our future tour!
On the way back we were looking for a drug store to pick up lip balms and nutritional skin moisturizers and suddenly on the lane going into the Mt Pleasant Hospital was a CVS… God is definitely the best guide and navigator… you can ask for…He shows you ( on His Cue! the direction! We didn’t miss one place on our itinerary! 😘😍
An unforgettable Sunday… an unforgettable itinerary! Bursting with happiness!
So until tomorrow… turn your stress and anxiety about driving and finding your destination over to your Creator and just enjoy the trip… He’s got you!!! We never were lost for a minute!
Then Tommy and Kaitlyn took me to Five Loaves to get my favorite soup! ( Broccoli’ cheese, and potato soup) 💗👍 and a cup to take back! 🥣
It felt so good to get away for awhile and socialize with the outside world!
So until tomorrow bask in warm days and garden replenishing colors!
Have a beautiful day! A magical day for me!!!!! And YOU!
Dear Reader!
Thursday night I experienced what scripture calls a” gift of grace.” SLeep… Blessed Sleep.!”
Taking time to rest and recover is an act of trust in God! His sacred gift heals us if we believe God can and He did!
Exhaustion beat the pain I had suffered through Thursday afternoon and evening and suddenly my desire for God’s healing gift …sleep … conquered all and peace and comfort prevailed as I slept.
When I woke up Friday morning the pain had subsided leaving only a slight soreness and lots of thankfulness!
Matthew: 11: 28-30: ” Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…. you will find rest in your soul.”
And what a difference a day makes… I woke up to breakfast, daily medicine. and then back to sleep until afternoon -my well/being restored!!!!!
Happy to report that Friday was painless and so ” unbusy ” compared to Thursday’s crazily crowded day!
I slept and regained my painless strength back.
Don’t we all come across days where our faith and trust is tested and once again God reigns true in his continuous love for His children!
So until tomorrow… enjoy the day and keep love and happiness alive!
Dear Reader:
I started out overstretched and never snapped back in place yesterday!
First thing my exercise trainer came for me… and we threw light round balls back and forth continuously so by the time I returned the long aisles back to my room…I was pooped, medicine was waiting on me, then several different aides bringing different check tests updates, then my RN and changing bandages.
For the first time I was feeling some pain in my chest that was uncomfortable and continued to be … then my chaplain came by, nice guy, for his weekly hourly session with me…. and the day and early evening continued with discomfort continuing…. finally… thank goodness… my exhaustion won out and I fell asleep.
Awoke to just a dull reminder of yesterday…. much better.
Looking forward to a fun weekend and feeling like my old self.
It wasn’t until I went to check the blog this morning that it dawned on me ….I never wrote it! ? ? ?
Promise to get back on track tomorrow!
Until Manama!
Dear Reader:
Another miraculous gift arrived yesterday … a highly anticipated bedroom cabinet… to date I have gotten through the past months with plastic stack-up drawers and two glassed table tops on each side of the bed …Kaitlyn had.
Yesterday a friend of Mandy’s connected with a cabinet he was selling-a steal of a deal and it was a glassed cabinet that matched Kaitlyn’s bedside tables. No one would guess it wasn’t part of an original set.
Walsh and John helped get it over here… fit perfectly! Meant to be!!
Then Mandy “went to town” completely reorganizing the entire bedroom while Walsh and I filled boxes of keep or throwaway…and deciding on each drawers belongings.
The older I get… the less I want materially and clustered surroundings make me claustrophobic. I am changing as much as my surroundings. Less is best in my new world.
I leave a note on my table daily telling anyone who has entered to pick up and take any sweets with them! Too much for one gal! And sweets of all kinds brighten the day!
As you know yesterday my emotions were pretty jumbled but I know God has plans for selling my old home and it will all fall together … in place in His time…. now it is time for me to remain quiet and listen.
So until tomorrow… after I read Patty’s daily thought yesterday I knew God sent me a wink! 😀💗👍
Have a great day! 👍❤️💗👍
But as the day wore on … I was reminded again that God’s Timing is not always man’s but it doesn’t mean the prayer isn’t working.
Patience! One of the hardest dilemmas we humans face… by our own nature… when we want something good to happen …we want it now!
My dilemma , since leaving for the Palms, and trying to regain my prior physical cancer status, ( that had kept my cancer held in check for almost two decades) , had stopped working and I was fading fast!
But with a sudden miraculous detour” -” Never say Never” when dealing with God -I have been living in a day to day roller coaster with God driving… the doctors are amazed too… so I have just ” packed up my bags and left all my cares” with my Creator!
Today I was praying that my house would sell… but negotiations were left in negotiations … still lots of interest and I have to believe God is waiting on just the right buyer that is meant to call my house home.
So what helped me pass the day while waiting? My new flowers! Look at the surprise I woke up too on the second day since the containers were completed. God did bring joy in my life yesterday.
So until tomorrow… trust and faith keep hope alive… it’s time to walk the walk!
Dear Reader!
Today marks an opportunity to perhaps experience the next chapter in my own life …that would be “magical” … and since God is our greatest ” Magician” I am leaving it in His Trusting Hands to guide me.
But in the meantime He sent me Susan and Mandy to create two overwhelmingly gorgeous flowery abundant containers flowing with potential colors of every prism.
Yellow and white daffodils lavender zinnias, purple hyacinth , pink tulips, green and white and pink cabbages and kale. Multi-colored pansies, violets and snap dragons. ( am sure I have left out some! )
Nobody can get more bulbs in a container than Susan Swicegood! Mandy’s eyes grew bigger as Susan kept asking for more bulbs!
And then yesterday morning ( Monday) I woke up to a rainy cloudy, windy “burr cold” day, and two daffodils per container were magically starting to open up ..as of this blog writing at (5:30 PM) yesterday … look what they accomplished inside … staring out at a completely gray day!!!The miracle of the flowers in our lives.
The two containers are already bringing me such color and joy I know God has provided me much hope through the beauty of flowers to trust Him as He leads me through the changes of life!
He only, is in charge of my path plan of life! Magic! And Prayer!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
” I wandered lonely as a cloud” … Wordsworth’s admission that when he is lost …God provides beauty in nature ( Daffodils) and the experience brings Hope Amen! …brightness, and positivity!
Dear Reader!
It is a little after 7 PM and I purposefully waited to write this post, until a flower selection and arrangement had filled two planters skillfully …filled one indoor planter … and one planter that will stay outside once we get closer to warm days and above freezing temps at night!
Susan Swicegood had planned to come get me and let me select the flowers I would like to see in the two planters. But with health issues attacking her husband… instead Susan picked quite a diversity of colorful flowers and she and Mandy worked together like Pro’s!
With an exception of a good weather day scattered around… winter in the Lowcountry still prevails…
Susan selected transitional flowers, plants… like Cabbages! So beautiful and then lots of bulbs with hosts of diversified bright spring colors.
We spread old used newspapers on the floors and it worked fantastically! Minimum clean-up!
Susan said she would make me a list of all the flowers inserted in both planters…. ( will share with you tomorrow!) will blow your mind!
The best God Wink to happen was Mandy arriving at the perfect time….she quickly turned her attention to helping Susan – /Divine Timing!
Flowers ( for me) bring instant joy, an immediate uplift in my day… a promise of hope and instant beauty!
Thank you Susan for sharing your God-given talents and God for Divine Timing… Mandy to assist! 🙏🏻
The rains held off today but it was cold, blustery and just plain cold… so glad we could work inside!!!
The winds, rain are howling tonight … but we are all so fortunate and blessed to have a roof over our heads! And both containers ( plant) are snug and happy too!
*** Proud grandmother too!