The next story comes from Honey Burrell

When I look back over the 40+ years my friendship with Becky stands out !
She has always been the one I could turn to when I needed uplifting. She adored her family, as you all know. Weddings, births of grandchildren and grand dogs kept her going and ever so happy. When she decided to become a gardener she added a new love to her plate. Flowers always made her smile and as you would expect, Becky became quite knowledgeable in this area.
Becky was always ready to take a road trip or a lunch out. Shortly after her diagnosis on a frigid January morning I picked Becky up and we drove to our mountain house. You see Becky had just read The Home of the Perfect Christmas Tree and she was eager to visit the area where the story took place. With snow on the ground we drove to Spruce Pine, where we spent the night in an old school building that had been turned into a bed and breakfast. We visited Grandfather Mountain and Becky even walked across the swinging bridge. We passed Christmas tree farms and talked with people that new Gloria Houston, author of the story, who Becky would become friends with. On the way home we took the less traveled road and ended up at the restaurant at Lake Lure. The cold had passed and we sat on the dock, enjoying our beer with a view. It was customary for patrons to put dollar bills on the wall. It was said to be good luck and Becky and I were always up for that!
We served on the State Leadership Council and took many trips around the state for meetings and training opportunities.
One of our greatest adventures was the Danish Teacher Exchange. Three weeks in Denmark was such an amazing opportunity and Becky and I made friends that we are still in contact with.
The Chapel of Hope was perhaps the icing on the cake.When Mike discovered this tiny chapel on a motorcycle trip he came home and said,”you have to take Becky there!”
I’ll never forget the first day we visited together. It had been raining and then just at the time we came to the chapel the sun came out as did a beautiful rainbow. This was our sign of hope. Over the next years we would visit annually, the special little chapel in the woods.
Friendship is the sweetest form of love. So when I say I’ll be your friend until the end, it’s as good as saying I’ll keep you in my heart until it’s last beat. Yes, Becky will remain in my heart. I love you, Becky Boo!