Becky “Boo” has shared so much with us and about us in her blog posts that I thought it was time to return the favor. I’ve asked friends and family to send me some of their favorite stories about Becky. I hope these stories are a testament to Boo and a comfort to her children. Perhaps she will feel their energy, love and support as she transitions to the next part of this life 💜 the messages of her angels will help to carry her on her way.
So for now I turn this post over to Brooke and Jackson…Becky’s friends for OVER FIFTY YEARS.
If you have a story or thought you’d like to share about Becky you can email me at [email protected]
❤️ Kaitlyn
From Brooke and Jackson
Brooke and I spoke today, and discovered we had the same story about Boo, we wanted to share. The following is from Brooke and Jackson:
In 1967, at a small college-Erskine- in an even smaller town- Due West, SC, four young girls entered into a friendship that has lasted 57 years. ( Brooke, Becky, Libby and Jackson). We learned early into our friendship that Becky was surrounded by what we call “happy air”. Legend has it that one day, as we were walking to the dining hall with a large group of girls, Becky was not walking but dancing to the music in her head- finger snaps included! Becky was the smallest of the group, and someone said: You remind me of Boo Boo, from the cartoon Yogi Bear. Our Becky became our Boo❤️. Around two years after her cancer diagnosis, Boo was blessed with her first grandchild- Eva Cate. She told us- by then, we called ourselves “The Ya’s”- that she hoped to live to see Eva Cate graduate from kindergarten. She now has five grandchildren who lovingly call her Boo Boo- a full circle moment from that day in 1967.

What a blessing to have these dear friends for fifty years! Thanks for sharing! ❤️🙏
I love the lifetime friendship and the happy faces in every photo. One of the first things I learned when I met Boo about 10 years was about the sisterhood and many get togethers over the years. I was really a little jealous. The stories have been great to hear and she has shared them all with love. Hugs to all of you.
Delightful to see all of these happy photos!