Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meeting Them Where They Are

Dear Reader: The phrase ” meeting people where the are” has gained in popularity the past few years. What does this expression really mean? It means ” bridging the gap between your own expectations and where the other person is … Continue reading

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Finding Time for Happiness

Dear Reader: One of our greatest challenges in life is finding inner happiness. It isn’t that we don’t know how to find it…we simply don’t make time for inner happiness, contentment and joy. We know what to do… we simply … Continue reading

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” It’s all Guess and by Golly”

Dear Reader: As luck would have it… I texted Anne yesterday and asked what she thought happened with the weather prediction of a 70% chance of thunderstorm and pouring rain. She responded: ” ” By guess and by golly” I … Continue reading

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Daily Delights

Dear Reader: Every day when we wake up the possibility of a memorable daily delight awaits us… the secret… being open to the prospect that it exists. Ross Gay came upon this same conclusion about a year ago and decided … Continue reading

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Why Can’t Weeds be Flowers too? Actually They Can!

Dear Reader: If you are a Lowcountry gardener… the most challenging time of the year has arrived. How to keep the spring/ early summer plants alive! It ” ain’t” easy! Overwater and you get root rot, under water and you … Continue reading

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Ties to the Past with Fondness

Dear Reader: Some days the past just seems to creep up on us… leaving us lost in memory … thinking to ourselves… ” Those really were the days.” When I first visited Hampton Plantation in 1973 the old Rutledge plantation … Continue reading

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Turning Weakness into Strength

Dear Reader: We humans tend to like pigeon-holing others with negative similes like ” stubborn as a mule.” In fact the American Donkey and Mule Society defends this attribute in mules. Mules aren’t really stubborn … they just won’t put … Continue reading

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Saved by A Story

Dear Reader: The other day I happened upon some witty, tongue-in cheek adult observations about life lessons from fairy tales and I just started laughing. Since there isn’t enough laughter in the world I selected a few examples and added … Continue reading

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Every Summer Has a Story

Dear Reader: Today if you take the B. I. R. D. S. scavenger hunt in downtown Summerville you can use the hidden clues on your guide to find the Carolina Parakeet. The rhyming limerick clue reads: “At Town Hall, there’s … Continue reading

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It’s Never Too Late to Start Over…

Dear Reader: Don’t we all have those days that just seem to start out wrong and go downhill from there? After the first five things in our to-do list goes ” south” we know it is probably going to continue … Continue reading

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