Category Archives: Uncategorized

Every Flower that Ever Bloomed Went Through a Lot of Dirt to Get There…

Dear Reader: Yesterday in the midst of such fun with family dropping in throughout the day…I took advantage of Mollie’s generous offer to run me over to Publix to pick up some items running low in my fridge. I had … Continue reading

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What the World Needs Now is …..

Yesterday as I listened to many different speeches by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr , they all centered around love, because love is the only answer to our woes. The secret to this love is how we define it… this … Continue reading

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Always Look Out For the Presence of Wonder…

Dear Reader: This past weekend I designated for myself a ” chill’in” weekend. Don’ t we all need down time after a few rocky roller coaster days where I experienced extreme highs ( Mike and Honey’s visit) and a few … Continue reading

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Seeing Ourselves through Positivity… not Self- Undermining

Dear Reader: With a formidable forecast predicted, Honey and Mike Burrell left the Pinnacle Mts overlooking Hendersonville early Friday morning and with faith and hope on their side they arrived to little wind, partially sunny skies and a whole lot … Continue reading

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Never Give up HOPE… it is our strongest anchor to Life… It throws back darkness with a single candle …

Dear Reader! Jo Dufford texted me yesterday with this St. Francis quote: ” All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one candle.” Jo added ” I also think how one person’s light can make a difference!” … Continue reading

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Let What You Tell Yourself Be a Reflection of God’s Voice Leading You…

Dear Reader: Don’t you remember as a child bursting out giggling when you came across a grandparent mumbling to him or herself in an empty room and then asking innocently … ” Who are you talking to Grandmother?” Embarrassed Grandmother … Continue reading

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The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow…

Dear Reader: In spite of a heavily cluttered courtyard… I am so grateful that no branches or heavy debris hit or broke the panes in my French door opening out to the courtyard. Late Monday afternoon I took this picture … Continue reading

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” Covered in Prayer”

Dear Reader: Monday night Mandy had me over for dinner… and while finishing up … Tommy dropped by with Pip and he told me he would take me home. Kaitlyn had given him something to give to me…something for me … Continue reading

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Seeing and ” HERE…ing” …

Dear Reader: Yesterday as I was getting ready to put Mark Nepo’s book (The Book of Awakening) back in my book cabinet… it slipped out of my hands and as I picked it up… this last short story caught my … Continue reading

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Never Say Never…

Dear Reader: A couple of days ago I was predicting that the last full foliage of beautiful white blooms was getting ready to cease …due to the curvature of the weight of the blooms overpowering its stem. ( even after … Continue reading

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