Dear Reader:
Yesterday as I was getting ready to put Mark Nepo’s book (The Book of Awakening) back in my book cabinet… it slipped out of my hands and as I picked it up… this last short story caught my attention. ( ” I See You” Response: I See You! I Am Here! )
For centuries African Bushmen have greeted each other in this way. When the one becomes aware of his brother or sister coming out of the brush, he exclaims ” I See You!” and then the one approaching rejoices ” I Am Here! ”
This tradition is both simple and profound. It is telling that much of our modern therapeutic journey is suffered to this end; to have who we are and where we’ve been … to be seen.
We simply want to be validated by another human that we are alive and living in this world together. Was the first person who validated you… a parent or grandparent?
We all need foremost … to feel loved and validated. Think about it people of the oldest tribes, unencumbered by civilization, have been rejoicing in being on earth together.
Another thought… aren’t artists in all forms and types, all-too- human attempts to say again and again … I Am Here! I Am Alive!”
So until tomorrow… “ For as stars need open space to be seen, as waves need shore to crest, as dew needs grass to soak into, our vitality depends on how we exclaim and rejoice, ” I See You! ” I Am Here!”

God validates us … but He also wants each of His children to discover his/her source of joy and happiness … your unique gift from Above… to be shared with others… bringing joy into others’ lives is what God validates in us …along with His insatiable love for us!
I ate supper with Mandy , John and family Monday night-nice to get out before the-storms and enjoyed all the company! Tommy stopped by with Pip and his Clemson-Dad attire!

Your apt just keeps getting more lovely, comfy and cozy. Loving your daily posts and just wondering if you ever comment back to other bloggers who read your posts.
Becky…you are the most alive person I have ever known…living life to the fullest everyday and blessing others along the way…love you.