Dear Reader:
Don’t you remember as a child bursting out giggling when you came across a grandparent mumbling to him or herself in an empty room and then asking innocently … ” Who are you talking to Grandmother?” Embarrassed Grandmother said she was just listing all the ingredients in a dish she was making for supper.
I just giggled again and ran off. Now it is my time to be embarrassed as I find myself not only talking to myself silently but also loudly! How about all of you… raise your hand if you been busted by a child or grandchild… even another adult friend who can empathize since he or she does it too!
Jo thought about me when she read this… ” God wants us to trust Him to cling to and follow wherever He leads us … Whenever He chooses… not us! ”
Always remember to tell yourself things will get better. I learned that lesson the hard way last night. It was late when I woke up after a big day out and once off the sofa, I turned off the television and found myself in a completely dark room… somehow the storm left the electricity off in my bathroom and bedroom. This was the second day. … no electricity! I was fumbling in the dark.
I knew the head electrician had been called Wednesday to get it back on… but obviously wasn’t able to get to it. As I went to pull off my white t- shirt ( which protects the large scab on my sternum… the scab got caught in the process of pulling … and off came the top layer of the scab. Suddenly blood was spewing everywhere …I was In complete darkness … trying to soak up the flow and I couldn’t find a pad -just grabbing toilet paper…and when I did find one, there was no tape to adhere it too.
I was so exhausted and worried… I just placed the one pad I had found over my chest and held it down with my arm/ hand pressure.
First thing the next morning the first person bringing breakfast heard me calling out to her and she took off running to find another pad and adhesive. She and another co-hort applied the bandage and adhesive and I immediately back fell sound asleep… the electrician got the lights back on! Hallelujah!
Susan Swicegood called and brought back my freshly cleaned Prayer Blanket! ( Covered with Prayer! )

Right before Susan arrived bringing the new clean blanket, the Hospice Chaplain Galen Moyer, had arrived and with the lights on we went hunting to find the bandages and adhesives… they were not in any bathroom cabinets… Just then my RN nurse called to tell all three of us the equipment was in the closet between the bathroom and bedroom. That didn’t make sense… it was in the electrical closet???

So until tomorrow… God reveals everything in His Own Good Time! Whew! Good one God …You do work in mysterious ways! 😁
Your time… not mine!
Whew is right! I bet you were so relieved!
So thankful you got it all fixed…safety in num
bers and God’s timing…feel better..love you…