Category Archives: Uncategorized

Turkey and Dressing- Monkey and Rice???

Dear Reader: Nepo tells us that so much more can happen in our lives with our hands open rather than gripping fists. He shares this ancient story from China. Traps were set to catch monkeys using a hollowed-out coconut through … Continue reading

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If the Universe is Inter-related, What About Time?

Dear Reader: Have you ever had one of those days when past, present, and future all appear to run together leaving you puzzled and exhausted by the end of it? Well guess what? You are in good company-Einstein’s company ! … Continue reading

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Just Breathe

Dear Reader: If there was a lesson I learned from my experiences over this past weekend, it was stop jumping to conclusions before you get all the facts. Easier said than done… right? Momentarily bad days make us feel like … Continue reading

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Friends, Faith and ” Souper” Serendipity

Dear Reader: This past weekend was a strange roller coaster ride of emotions. Thursday I went and got my flu shot-finishing up all my COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots! I felt on top of the world- ahead of the game! … Continue reading

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” I Just Called to Say I Love You”

Dear Reader: When Stevie Wonder wrote, sang, and performed his mega hit -” I just called to say ” I love You” he had no way of knowing how the idea of calls to loved ones could continue to bring … Continue reading

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Finding the ” Soul” in Sports

Dear Reader: I have a strong suspicion that this particular college football season has tried many players, fans, and coaches’ souls across the country. And for me, personally, Clemson has certainly experienced one of their most challenging seasons of late. … Continue reading

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Becoming a Force of Nature

Dear Reader: I caught the last part of a Christmas show on Hallmark and some advice was being given to a young girl just starting out in entertainment-it sounded like something Dolly Parton would say-” It’s easy to keep a … Continue reading

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Living ” Time”… Not ” Killing Time”

Dear Reader: Yesterday I woke up determined to get my flu shot. I decided that I would be Publix Pharmacy’s first customer… but to my unpleasant surprise the pharmacy opens an hour later than the store-all the blinds were drawn. … Continue reading

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The Importance of Remembering

Dear Reader: Yesterday Ben called me… more excited than I have heard him in a long time! It just made me so happy to hear him excited about anything- too many times his calls are fraught with confusion and/ or … Continue reading

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Embracing Life Wide Open

Dear Reader: I think I am not alone… when I find myself crossing my arms over my chest-it sends out a loud message-I am holding something in that I want to keep close to me-perhaps I am simply not ready … Continue reading

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