Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Thanksgiving for the Memories…

Dear Reader: These days Thanksgiving transitions into Christmas or at least Christmas trees faster than you can get home from a Thanksgiving weekend. My pumpkins are still waving at passerby street neighbors as their houses lit up last night with … Continue reading

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Chasing Waterfalls-the Good Kind

Dear Reader: Yesterday was nature day… a most beautiful one! Tommy, Kaitlyn and little Pip and Atticus ( the dogs) and I went chasing waterfalls. The only treacherous part was holding on to the bannister down stone steps where ice … Continue reading

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Baby It’s Cold Outside

Dear Reader: Yesterday we witnessed a little miracle of nature but it will have to wait until all the photos come through and I get home-nature never ceases to amaze me. *** ( It just came through-will add at the … Continue reading

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The Day After Thanksgiving and Still Thankful

Dear Reader: Some WiFi problems but here are some pictures from Thanksgiving in the mountains! So until tomorrow… May we all be thankful for life , family, and friends! So thankful!!! Today is my favorite day! winnie the Poih

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First Gratitude, Then Joy

Dear Reader: I fervently hope everyone is thinking about all the things and especially people who we are thankful and grateful for today! I showed you yesterday a grandchild ( Eva Cate) turkey she made for me to bring to … Continue reading

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It’s the Giving… Not Just Gathering

Dear Reader: To gather simply means to come together or assemble …which can be good …but haven’t we all seen too many gatherings recently from entertainment stampedes to terrorist invasions of Christmas parades go terribly wrong-gatherings that started out happily … Continue reading

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Once in a ” Blue Moon”

Dear Reader: On a cool foggy morning yesterday, Ted Parker, Brooke’s husband of 32 years was laid to rest. Thanksgiving Day is their anniversary. Ted’s service will always be memorable for the personal stories told by his friend, Bill Young, … Continue reading

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Jack Frost Nipping at Our Noses

Dear Reader: Today is the last transitional day before the cold weather comes drifting in tomorrow. ( So glad for Brookie and family for Ted’s funeral this morning! ) The first Frost of the season is scheduled to show itself … Continue reading

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” Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…”

Dear Reader: Doesn’t it seem like, especially around holidays, that life speeds up and we start making a tangled mess out of everything trying to stay caught up with so much happening so fast? The word ” tangled ” means … Continue reading

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” Let There Be Light”

Dear Reader: Aren’t some of our first memories created around light? And aren’t the first words spoken by our Creator ” Let there be light!” Like moths we are consciously and unconsciously drawn to light our whole lives. Daylight Savings … Continue reading

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