Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Glimpse of Kairos Time… at Christmas Time

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all experienced Christmases when time became our taunting nemesis with more to do than 24 hours a day allowed? Didn’t we wish for more hours in each day in preparation for Christmas-… so much so that … Continue reading

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Come God… Come and Shine

Dear Reader: Today come take a little trip with me…make time for a pause to see the beauty of Christmas inside and out… if we miss it-we have to wait a whole year for it to come around again. So … Continue reading

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An Inner Longing for the Simple Life

Dear Reader: Simply put… I am drawn these days more to nature… the woods… the wilderness. Simplicity… John the Baptist and his message of hope for the One Who is coming-Whose Presence will change the world. Since COVID-19… our pastor, … Continue reading

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A Collection of Memories… Just in Time For Christmas

Dear Reader: I can’t believe it! A most wonderful Christmas present. Finally I have told my story! This would have been so overwhelming if Mollie hadn’t acted on this opportunity when she heard about the concept of StoryWorth and spear-headed … Continue reading

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A Beautiful Ending to a Perfect Day

Dear Reader: Yesterday was such a perfect day… I wish I could have put a bow on it. The spirit of Christmas came early-the gift of time. As I went to pick up supper and was driving back home-the blues … Continue reading

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“His Truth Is Marching On…”

Dear Reader: A good night’s sleep and my mobile phone is much happier-no photo problems! Yesterday the December Poster defined the month as one filled with joy, gratitude, and Peace. In November, our Thanksgiving or gratitude month brought us a … Continue reading

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Peace on Earth

Dear Reader: As you can see I have gotten in the Christmas spirit-a little here and there-but I am steadily moving towards my goal. But then last night some ” bad elves” took over my photo inserts and froze everything … Continue reading

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Letting Nature Lead the Sleigh

Dear Reader: Remember as I was leaving for the mountains a week ago… I, incorrectly, predicted my beautiful pear tree would be devoid of leaves and color except for the mountain of leaves on the ground by the time I … Continue reading

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The Joy of Words

Dear Reader: I have had one reoccurring dream since I first laid my eyes on St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust, North Carolina. I imagine myself standing in front of it in the snow. Several years ago a magazine … Continue reading

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A Pause Between Holidays…

Dear Reader: As I am writing this blog Monday afternoon… it is hard to believe I was still in mountains Sunday and in one day… my slower, relaxing mountain ventures have turned into washing clothes, unpacking and trying to find … Continue reading

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