Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hearts Tell Love, Not Time…

Dear Reader: Take a minute and walk around your Christmas tree. Do you have a heart ornament(s) on it? You should-after all Christmas IS love! Thanks to my Danish friends ( Kewin and Rikke Hvidt) I have lots of julehjerters … Continue reading

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Christmas is Not a Day for Restraint

Dear Reader: Do you sometimes get a little nervous around ” Southern Living” homes -the ones that are so perfectly decorated at Christmas that they look and feel more like a museum than a home? Quiet, sedate Christmas carols play … Continue reading

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When it Comes to Christmas …the More the Merrier…

Dear Reader: For my door prize at the annual MS luncheon last Friday I won a bag of beautifully carved wooden animals! I was thrilled! It brought back memories of my childhood when mother would ” tolerate ” us kids … Continue reading

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Gift Giving… the Best or a Guess?

Dear Reader: Aren’t some people ” gifted” when it comes to Christmas gift giving? I took a photo of this beautiful present Dee and Mike gave me after church Sunday because of the wrapping-so envious of people who turn presents … Continue reading

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Church Pew and Garden Bench Followers of The SPIRIT

Dear Reader: Why is everything done outside in the serenity of rustling leaves, whispering winds and singing birds so more meaningful and heartfelt in worship? At the outside 9:00 worship service yesterday it was chilly, windy and so melodious that … Continue reading

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A Nutcracker Kind of Day

Dear Reader: As you know by now my technology problems with blog pictures has ” cracked” my patience and driven me ” nuts” so I suppose it was a God Wink that yesterday was our long-awaited girls day to see … Continue reading

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Joy Joy Joy

Dear Reader: Yesterday was my tenth time storytelling at the Summerville MS Chapter Christmas Luncheon! A decade! Hard to believe! And there to greet me was Andrea Andrews- one of the first chapter promoters in our town. We taught social … Continue reading

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Joyful Memories

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Christmas Mischief

So sorry! There must be some bad Christmas elves playing tricks this morning because the blog post I wrote and had ready to go this morning seems stuck in cyberspace somewhere. Will keep trying … in the meantime have a … Continue reading

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Don’t Worry about How or Where-Send the Gift of Prayer

Dear Reader: When I recently came across Donna Fargo’s beautiful prayer ” I Prayed for You Today” I re-read the third ( last stanza) and realized that during these troubling times if I changed You to Us … this is … Continue reading

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