Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finding Our Sanctuary

Dear Reader: I am home and another Winnie the Pooh blustery day. It just hit me that March came in like a lion and hasn’t stopped roaring yet… the windiest March in a long time. ( And you readers know … Continue reading

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Seeing Sacredness in the Ordinary

Dear Reader: Yesterday was the ending of a full circle of days spent together as a family. It has been so nice cuddling with Eva Cate each afternoon as we watched the Hallmark mystery movies together-I realize our shared love … Continue reading

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Love… Feeling or Decision

Dear Reader: If lucky… we grow up feeling loved … and for many of us it takes time to realize just how blessed we were and still are to experience it. Scripture says… ” Love never fails…and now these three … Continue reading

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How We See is What We See

Dear Readers; To really see… we must be present. Charleston schools were out yesterday. Eva Cate had a play date so Mandy and I decided to take Jake to the seafood restaurant Vickery’s on Shem Creek for lunch and then … Continue reading

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The Best Paradox

Dear Reader: A paradox is a seemingly contradictory statement that ends up possessing truthful revelations. Case in point; ” God is the only One to whom we can surrender without losing ourselves. ” After re-reading this statement several times… I … Continue reading

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Alice’s Window

Dear Reader: Don’t we all have a window that is our favorite to look out on to see our small piece of the world. One of my favorite Nerburn stories is one he shared from a nursing home many years … Continue reading

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The Closing of the Day

Dear Reader: Don’t we all, consciously or even unconsciously, take a moment before we fall asleep each night to think about the day we just lived? Human nature , being what it is, rarely thinks that the day was ” … Continue reading

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Our Hidden Place

Dear Reader: The other day, one of the ministers who contributed a story to the compilation published book –Finding Joy in the Journey-Reverend Angela, spoke about a belief she has maintained and felt …since a small child. A hidden place … Continue reading

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One little Cloud of Thought…

Dear Reader: Some days … my mind starts grabbing all kinds of information circling around me… snippets of conversation, television segments, passages from a reading and blow them around my mind … as it in a wind storm… but other … Continue reading

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Letting Our Story Unfold to the End…

Dear Reader: Have you ever experienced an almost split-second car accident, or stumble off a high ridge or deep ravine-and in that amazingly ” elongated ” moment of time-wonder… is this it? And if so… how does this ending leave … Continue reading

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