Category Archives: Uncategorized

” How Hot Is It?”

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I was up and out at six am talking to my gardens… warning the flowers it was going to be a hot one… conserve their water supply and I would see them later in the evening. … Continue reading

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Bread Crumbs and Memories Show Us the Path Home

Dear Reader: Have you ever considered that the symbolism of personal paths (that take us back to God’s Home) just doesn’t apply to human ” everyone’s ” but to everything God created? All we have to do is watch a … Continue reading

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The Leading First Lady Role Model

Dear Reader: Life Magazine, just recently, published a special edition on our First Ladies and their contributions during their presence in the White House. Leading the last 2014 poll , hands down, was Eleanor Roosevelt. Overcoming a tragic and dysfunctional … Continue reading

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Comedic Irony

Dear Reader: Like many other people… O. Henry’s The Gift of the Magi has always been one of my favorite Christmas stories-the kind that you must read or hear, once again, or something seems missing from the holiday festivities. It … Continue reading

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Remembering Who We Always Wanted to Be

Dear Reader: The subject of making time for contemplation in our daily lives continuously reappears in my posts as I grow older. Overall I am a ” people person” and love social situations, especially family gatherings and friendship endeavors, along … Continue reading

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Want to Improve Your Day… Try Wordplay

Dear Reader: In the title picture ( from Alice Through the Looking Glass) Alice and Humpty are discussing play-on-word games. Alice remarks: ” The question is, whether you make words mean so many different things.” It might seem too simplified … Continue reading

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When Life Gets Hard… Congratulations! You’re Doing it Right

Dear Reader: When things get tough and life appears to go wrong, don’t we have a tendency to think something is the matter with us… we must be doing something wrong? Another example of why we shouldn’t jump so fast … Continue reading

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When Dawn and Bread Breaks….

Dear Reader: Monday morning I set my mobile phone timer to go off at 6 am so I could check to see if my post ( I had written the evening before) had published… for some crazy reason when I … Continue reading

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The Queen and the Prime Minister

Dear Reader: When Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 she was excited and terrified simultaneously of her first weekly meeting with Prime Minister Winston Churchill. As a youth growing up during WWII she revered Churchill and like most … Continue reading

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” We’ll See”…

Dear Reader: Some of you are already aware that after returning home from their ( Tommy and Kaitlyn) ” Covid” fifth wedding anniversary in Ireland… there was a prolonged respite as it took Tommy a couple of more weeks to … Continue reading

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