Category Archives: Uncategorized

Boiled Peanuts, Fascinators, Gardenias, and Gullah Memories…

Dear Reader: Yesterday… 100 Rainbow Road, felt like a train station where friends, surprise gifts, and unexpected memories popped up to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one! It started with a book trade between Anne and myself… I … Continue reading

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The Paradox of Love and War

Dear Reader: If you were like me… I spent a bulk of time changing television stations yesterday between the happy upbeat Queen’s Jubilee and the sad but determined Olena Zelensky-wife of Ukrainian President Zelensky -interview with Robin Roberts. As the … Continue reading

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A Dingle Folk Tale

Dear Reader: Memorial Day… Kaitlyn and Tommy gave me a beautiful gemstone bracelet from Ireland! I haven’t taken it off since… so special! But just as memorable was this compilation of Irish folk tales given to me also by them..,that … Continue reading

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” Time is Funny like that…it Expands and Contracts”…

Dear Reader: This will be a short post today because I had a l-o-n-g day yesterday at Eva Cate’s Graduation Day Ceremony . Remember I told you I was packing a lot of Kleenex for the tears I knew I … Continue reading

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The Story Behind the ” Graduation Flower”

Dear Reader: Hopefully, as many of you are reading this post today… I am watching Eva Cate dance the Maypole Dance and then receive her diploma at the fifth grade graduation ceremonies. Needless to say… I will be loaded down … Continue reading

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Why Memorial Day in May?

Dear Reader: Last Thursday as I left Daniel Island after visiting Ben… the roads leading in and off the island were lined with American flags in preparation for Memorial Day. Thanks to the island’s active Exchange Club the displays of … Continue reading

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Limitless Potential

Dear Reader: Lately with all the shortages in our lives, baby formula, affordable gas and groceries, construction needs… the list could go on.. the term ” limitless” is more appealing than ever. Normally we picture ” limitless” with other terms … Continue reading

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Time is Never Wasted Spent with Grandchildren …

Dear Reader: For those of you who live in the Summerville area … you have already guessed that there was no Maypole Dance at James B Edwards Elementary yesterday. And the outdoor picnic for the graduating fifth graders had to … Continue reading

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Beginnings are Beautiful-Middles and Endings Too…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I headed over to Mt Pleasant with a stop-over on Daniel Island to visit Ben. Everything at school is winding down… next Tuesday is graduation for fifth graders which I will be attending but today is supposed … Continue reading

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” Do You Believe in Magic?”

Dear Reader: In 1965 The Loving’ Spoonful had a top hit with their number one chart billboard song… ” Do you believe in Magic?” If you can still remember the first refrain … it added ” like in a young … Continue reading

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