Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fenced In, Fenced Out, or Stuck On the Fence

Dear Reader: I am one happy camper! My neighbor next door has started securing and replacing every part of the ancient fence that separates the empty lot that his family owns… all the way to the back of my property … Continue reading

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Re-creating Our Lives from New Meanings to Past Experiences

Dear Reader: I am at the stage in life now that I understand completely the quote: ” Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.” Soren Kirrkagaard We all are our past experiences, good and bad, … Continue reading

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A Memory of a Long Ago Summer Story

Dear Reader: I grew up in the Haymount area of Fayetteville, NC -not the old historic Victorian mansions side but on the other side where ” Leave it to Beaver” middle class homes pervaded the landscape… ours being the wooden … Continue reading

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In the Good Old Summertime!

Dear Reader: As children of school age… didn’t we all live for summer? It was like Christmas vacation in eternal extension… except no gifts were necessary… no school and loss of rigid routines was gift enough! I started thinking of … Continue reading

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A House is Who You Are…Not Who You Ought To Be

Dear Reader: When it comes to old homes ( my home) there are so many things that need fixing … I feel immobilized where to start because everything is a ” big ticket item” … under headings like electricity, plumbing, … Continue reading

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Mortals’ Tunnel Vision

Dear Reader: Tunnel vision is described as having a very narrow view, inability to see beyond a limited viewpoint. It is the key reason our United States has, sadly, become ” dis-united. If we let our focus narrow… we start … Continue reading

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A Stroke of Luck… Can Go Both Ways

Dear Reader: The Dalai Lama says it best: ” Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” Take a moment and remember when this exact scenario played out for you… and then the moment … Continue reading

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Do Small Things with Great Love

Dear Reader: One lesson in life I have learned is that small tokens of friendship and love are more important in life than grand gestures. Things like receiving a brilliant smile from a stranger in a day gone awry… restores … Continue reading

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” Why I Wake Early” …

Dear Reader: I am not sure when it happened. It happened before my brain recognized it as a bona fide new pattern in my daily routine. I have started waking up at the ” crack of dawn.” The first few … Continue reading

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Still “Hotter than Blue Blazes” …

Dear Reader: With my cable still out and my jaunt to my polling precinct only lasting ten minutes since ( sadly I was the only one in the room with the poll workers) .. I returned home with a lot … Continue reading

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