Dear Reader:
The Dalai Lama says it best: ” Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”
Take a moment and remember when this exact scenario played out for you… and then the moment ( later) when you realized how fortunate you were …at what first appeared as a crushing disappointment.
One example for me was when we moved from Fayetteville NC to Laurens. SC. I didn’t want to move… I had friends and two cousins my age who were like sisters… my babysitter love for little Gregory. I already had decided I wanted to go to UNC to college… didn’t want any part of it.
Eight years later… at my Erskine college graduation, as I looked around at my classmates, especially the Ya’s … I knew then that the detour that lead me to a small liberal arts college in an even smaller SC southern town ( Due West) was a place I was supposed to land… it was the birthplace of my rebirth ..evolving into the person I was supposed to become.

Again our little mustard seed returns with the importance of faith… the faith that one day will take us home. Honey responded to yesterday’s post…adding that mustard also is good for leg cramps. When she got married she was given a mustard seed to wear in her shoe on her wedding day for good luck in her marriage and it sure did work! Honey also has a bumper sticker on her car that reads: ” Do All Things With Great Love.” ( And that is exactly what Honey has done all her life.” )
So until tomorrow… If you are too busy to laugh… you are too busy!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
A big shout-out to my oldest grandson, Rutledge who turns nine today!!!He and his family are having a Carowinds/ Charlotte Lacrosse weekend with Father’s Day … putting dad right in the center of family life! …perfect timing!

Can’t believe little “Rut Rut” is turning 9! What an amazing little guy in so many ways! Walsh and Mollie have a beautiful family! Happy Father’s Day Walsh! You are a great Dad for sure. Love to all🥰
Happy Birthday to Rutledge. I am trying again to get the blog sent to my gmail account…hope it works…have missed it. I left a voice message for you today…dropped by for a visit.