Category Archives: Uncategorized

Becoming a Member of the ” No Matter What” Club

Dear Reader: The other day I walked into my den as a young actress was telling her ” American Dream” story of going from rags to riches … and when asked how she kept her dream alive ( against all … Continue reading

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It’s a Small, Small World … and Getting Smaller…

Dear Reader: I remember the last time I rode through the “It’s a Small Small World” Disney ride… I left with tears in my eyes… there is something so touching about listening to the children sing while watching all the … Continue reading

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Fill in the Future With Surprises…By Surprising Yourself…

Dear Reader: Yesterday was my scheduled oncology appointment… you would think by now I would be used to it after all these years… but when you are living with cancer … one knows that things can turn on a dime. … Continue reading

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The Importance of Letter Writing…

Dear Reader: I know my grandchildren must run when I get on my platform and start lamenting the loss of written letters and cursive writing… but it breaks my heart when I hand a birthday card to one of the … Continue reading

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Turning Stories into Stories for Every Season…

Dear Reader: Since I taught history through storytelling… I was always on the lookout for children and young adult writers who wrote historical fiction and non-fiction for my students. It didn’t take me long to discover Eve Bunting… one of … Continue reading

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Let it Be…Let it Go

Dear Reader: The day I retired from teaching and administration… I remember… carrying all my gifts and personal belongings to the car, along with a huge bouquet of balloons from my surprise retirement party. Just as I reached for my … Continue reading

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Daybreak… Breaking the Mists of Gloom and Doom

Dear Reader: Writers insert many different names for the first peek of the first rays of the morning sun… this daily miracle goes by sunrise, dawn, daylight and in today’s story… daybreak. There are different reasons for choosing different terms … Continue reading

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Detailing Cars and People

Dear Reader: The past two days have been a blur… but happy ones. My nephew , Lee, texted me Tuesday to let me know he would be playing at Wellmore Assisted Living ( Ben’s home) in case if I would … Continue reading

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What is your definition of love?

Dear Reader: It is hard for me to believe that it has been almost two years since I finished my story to pass down to my family. It took 52 weeks to complete … answering 52 of the most difficult … Continue reading

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Old Screen Doors Slamming… Best Memory Sound

Dear Reader: When I came across this picture …if was as if I had been transported back to Grandmother Wilson’s kitchen and her back screen door… it looks just like it! What nostalgic memories it provokes. I remember Grandmother ALWAYS … Continue reading

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