Category Archives: Uncategorized

Need a Good Night’s Sleep… Try “Savoring”…

Dear Reader: Sunday night was one of those nights where everything conspired against sleep. I was anxiously waiting to see a weekly television segment that came on at 9:00 one minute… and the next minute it was almost midnight. I … Continue reading

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Life is Funny That Way…

Dear Reader: Life is funny how it never turns out as expected… it turns out better! If you have a few moments today to reflect on your life’s ” good, bad, and ugly” please do so… because it is only … Continue reading

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More Than Church Bells Ringing in St Helena Episcopal Churchyard…

Dear Reader: What is a tour of an island city… without a tour of its oldest churches and even more so… their church yard/ cemetery ghost tales? Today this original Anglican Church,whose congregation dates back to 1712, has had many … Continue reading

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Saying Good-Bye to a Great Winter “Escape” Sea Island-Port Royal ( Beaufort)

Dear Reader: There was no way we were going to leave Beaufort without going to the Chocolate Tree yesterday-in fact it was the first stop on our last day itinerary… after all Valentines is just around the corner! Plus… there … Continue reading

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Beaufort, Bridge, and Harriett Tubman

Dear Reader: You know this retired history teacher is happy when simply crossing a bridge on Highway 17 yesterday morning ( Harriett Tubman Bridge) heading towards Beaufort had my memories spinning with the important role Tubman played in local South … Continue reading

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As January Winds Down… Celebrate with a Quick Getaway!

Dear Reader: Impromptu, last minute get-always are one of my favorite things to do… especially when one starts the New Year with one of multiple virus ” bugs” going around that spreads throughout the neighborhood… and not just mine but … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: You know how much I love learning new words and their definitions, especially beautiful words to pronounce and match memories from one’s life… and the first memory I associated with ” querencia” evolved out of the trip I … Continue reading

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Want to Get Away but Don’t Want the Hassle of Traveling? Re-Visit Your Secret ” Parallel Life”

Dear Reader: All my life I have always dreamed about my secret hiding place ( that I would create one day) where I could escape the stresses, strains, and plaguing problems of ordinary life. When I came across the title … Continue reading

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January Should Be Filled with Colorful Decor and Warm Gratitude for Those Who Came Before Us…

January should also be filled with fun items that make you laugh and say thank you for life! As we look toward the future this month… we must make time to remember the people, to date, who have served as … Continue reading

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A ” Bright” Waiting Room Story

Dear Reader: I love curling up on the sofa in the den upon waking each morning…and reading texts and emails… scrolling through FB looking for friends and family photos. But my most favorite time is when the first early morning … Continue reading

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