Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fools, Jokes, Hoaxes… and Rabbits!

Dear Reader: April 1 always has a dual meaning… yelling “Rabbit Rabbit” for good luck while possibly sending or being sent on fools’ errands. Throw in some added hoaxes… and April 1 can keep one literally ” hopping” like a … Continue reading

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” YOU GOT THIS” … Never Works Alone

Dear Reader: I admit this quick little response to others’ problems seems like an easy quick-fix… just pump some confidence into your spouse, child, grandchild, relative, friend, or stranger! Usually the comment is met with a nod and smile. I … Continue reading

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It’s All in the Tone and Expression… REALLY!

Dear Reader: Did you know there are three different ways to use the word REALLY? And you kinda have to be there to hear the voice tone and/ or see the expression to identify each. 1) In actual fact… to … Continue reading

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As the Seasons Change… So Do We…

Dear Reader. The other day as I was reading a story… a person was being interrogated about an incident in the past… as a witness, she puzzled over all the questions and finally looked directly at the judge… while thoughtfully … Continue reading

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The Dual Faces of Feeling Indebted…

Dear Reader: I had an opportunity over the weekend to feel the two sides of ” indebtedness ” or feeling ” indebted.” Haven’t we experienced,throughout our lives, the opportunity to thank people by saying something along the lines of… ” … Continue reading

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Never Forget the Most Important Ingredient to Top Off Grit and Grace… GRATITUDE!

Dear Reader: To this day… I can’t hear the word “Grit” without picturing John Wayne in my favorite movie of his… True Grit. ” You must pay for everything in this world one way or another. There is nothing free … Continue reading

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When Life is a Mystical Choice…

Dear Reader: When I, coincidentally, came across this artwork with its simple title.. I had to grin and admit… it was certainly symbolic of me! I am that old tree …reading books as furiously as I can… and with each … Continue reading

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Love is the Greatest Adventure…

Dear Reader: Yesterday readers…I left you re-telling and celebrating a good book ( Gentleman in Moscow) and raving about the new horizons of thought about life, in all its beauty and destruction, his writings gave me. However (no spoiler alert) … Continue reading

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Becoming a Creature of God…

Dear Reader: C.S. Lewis once wrote about the choices we each make in this life and how important the acceptance of ourselves being a creature of God is in relation to all God’s other creations. ” To be in harmony … Continue reading

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A ” Surcie” Kind of Day

Dear Reader: I did it! After much agonizing mental indecision I did what I knew was financially sound – emotionally tough …but smart in the big picture. I took my Uncle Sam tax refund and an insurance annual refund and … Continue reading

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