Dear Reader:
April 1 always has a dual meaning… yelling “Rabbit Rabbit” for good luck while possibly sending or being sent on fools’ errands. Throw in some added hoaxes… and April 1 can keep one literally ” hopping” like a rabbit!
I still have my membership card from the Library of Congress and receive a magazine article or current internet commentary from time to time! (I signed up one summer traveling with Carol and a group of teachers.) Yesterday I received a fun blurb about the history behind April Fool’s Day and one paragraph grabbed my attention. ( written eight years ago but still timely… as you will see!)
” Scan your favorite newspaper or news website this April 1 and chances are you’ll see some headlines that look suspicious. Read further and you realize some of the stories are complete hoaxes. After all it’s April Fool’s Day. ”
*** Are you thinking like me… when it comes to hoaxes in news articles and shows, the internet included.. everyday a hoax or tall tale is easily accessible… not just limited to a fun joke and hoax day on the first day in April. It leaves readers feeling like they got sent on a fool’s errand … when misinformation is revealed later. What to believe?

Custom of getting others to run ” fools” errands was first recognized in Renaissance Europe. The first certain reference to April Fool’s Day-comes from 1561-in a Flemish poem by Eduardo De Dene.
In the poem a nobleman sends his servant on crazy fruitless errands. The servant eventually recognizes that he is being sent on ” fool’s errands because it’s April 1. ( The idea was born from this poem that someone is assigned an errand to find someone or something non-existent. ( Still popular today!)
… OR you can just tell ” cheesy jokes” … like me! *** I did warn you! 😂 Garden Jokes!
1) Should I plant in APRIL? MAY as well.
2) What do gardeners wear on their legs? GARDEN HOSE
3) If April showers bring MAY flowers, what do May flowers bring? PILGRIMS
And a Doodle birthday / April Fool joke… Why are babies born on March 31 easy to prank? They were literally ” born yesterday.” ( Sorry! 😂)
So until tomorrow… I can’t help but think our forefathers’ faith in a free country run by and for the people …with guaranteed personal liberties… is what made America great… now we need to role model it for our children who are suffering under anxiety and mental/ emotional stress due to needless violence and extremism. Collectively we need to sew America’s soul back into the beautiful tapestry and fabric of democracy while redefining the strength of ” We, the People”
Today is my favorite day/Winnie the Pooh

Phillip Simmons students ran fund-raising laps and collectively raised over $ 50,000 dollars for their school community! Way to Go!

Rabbit …Rabbit…enjoyed reading the history of April Fool’s Day