Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Notecard…Thanking Teachers…

Dear Reader: School is quickly ending for another year and Teacher Appreciation Week has arrived. Now, more than ever, teachers should be recognized for their amazing creative abilities, talents, and pure God-given intuitions on how to reach our children and … Continue reading

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Fear Not…

Dear Reader: ” Fear not” is the most repeated commandment in the Bible. Obviously there is a reason for this… Anytime fear is used in connection with God… it is synonymous with awe, reverence, and respect. And in our daily … Continue reading

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Love Notes from the Universe…

Dear Reader: The beginning of my personal storytelling post …back in 2010… was driven by two things: My initial encounter with St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust, North Carolina ( following my breast cancer diagnosis/ surgery) and Squire Rushnell’s … Continue reading

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Take a JOMO ” Time- Out” …

Dear Reader: As a teacher, mother, and grandmother…I am obviously very familiar with the expression … Time- out! As in ” You are in time- out! ” But I was reflecting the other day how I think it is time … Continue reading

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From Family History…to Royal Family History

Dear Reader: From a swinging rope witnessing our family’s history … to setting my alarm yesterday morning to witness a royal family history ( playing out in front of the world) life is never dull! *** I placed my Ya … Continue reading

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The Rope… Witness to History

Dear Reader: I was “expecting” Tommy ( early 80’s) when we moved to the duplex on Rainbow Road. Mother was moving in with us and a lot of changes were going on in our lives… including new neighborhood schools for … Continue reading

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Cinco De Mayo

Dear Reader: Today is the fifth of May… I took two years of Spanish in college and actually ” aced ” both I and II without being able to speak a word… never had an ” ear” for different languages … Continue reading

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Feathers and Faith…

Dear Reader: Did you know that the floating white feather ( in the opening scene of Forrest Gump) was launched and floated from the Independent Presbyterian Church Steeple in Savannah, Georgia? ( We members of the ” Frozen Chosen” really … Continue reading

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The South Carolina State Bird… Proud and LOUD!

Dear Reader: The Ya’s favorite place to ” perch” at Edisto is on the front porch at Rest in Peace… followed by the back porch. It is the weather that basically dictates which… such as the temperatures, wind gusts, sometimes … Continue reading

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April Showers Bring May Flowers … AND… Winnie the Pooh Blustery Days!

Dear Reader: I remembered to say ” Rabbit Rabbit” yesterday ( first thing in the morning) and overall had an okay day… with just a few ” oops.” ( They were all connected to the ” Winnie the Pooh Blustery … Continue reading

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