Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Not What You Look At that Counts… But What You See…in Life

Dear Reader: Have you ever thought about the difference between looking and seeing? Perhaps we all should because it dictates whether we live our lives superficially or take time to connect sights with deep-seeded meaning and understanding in and of … Continue reading

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Life Brings You Home…

Dear Reader: You know when you feel the pull of home… that quiet yearning to return to the beauty of your hometown, the terrific neighbors checking in on your home and gardens…. your flowers, plants, and trees ( your other … Continue reading

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Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart… So Better Things Can Fall Together

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all experienced going through a really good period of time… so much so that we want to nestle down into its comfort and security and stay right there for a long satisfying time? … Only to … Continue reading

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What Makes You Come Alive?

Dear Reader: This particular quote stopped me immediately as I was reading an article by Brene Brown yesterday. I marked my place in the article, closed the booklet, and started ruminating about my earliest fondest memories … a time when … Continue reading

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Sending the Right Messaging to Ourselves…

Dear Reader: Don’t we see more and more news on the escalating mental health crisis among Americans… especially our young adolescents? First coronavirus was the targeted nemesis for this increase but now many other changes in our ” normal” daily … Continue reading

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” Happily Ever After” is only as happy as You make it!

Dear Reader: Have you ever thought how ” earth-shattering” ( downright devastating) a ” reality show” on Disney fairy tale movies would be …if transformed into ” What REALLY happened in this couple’s Ever After Story? ( Snow White, Cinderella, … Continue reading

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Dear Reader: How many of us have felt this same way…( in our perspectives on mirror images) as we live and experience the up’s and down’s of life…don’t we feel that our physical appearances should match our emotional and especial … Continue reading

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” Mothering” is Mother Like No Other…

Dear Reader: Stop and think about it..what is the most appreciated and the most precious type of loving we can give and receive in our lifetimes. ” Mothering!” ” Mothering” is not restricted to gender, age, or even humans… it … Continue reading

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Nearer my God to Thee…

Dear Reader: What a beautiful and truthful statement! I do go to my garden when the dew is still on the roses and I go midday, at sunset, and when the birds sing their last lullaby. It is where I … Continue reading

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While ” Stumbling, Bumbling” through Motherhood… Love Reigned!

Dear Reader: Once a mother… always a mother. Isn’t that perhaps the most misunderstood concept in preparing to be a ” mother?” Didn’t we all imagine that at some magical number… perhaps 18 or 21… that we were ” done” … Continue reading

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