Category Archives: Uncategorized

Make Friends with the Problems in Your Life

Dear (https://humoresquecartoons.comReader:) Loren Fishman) Cartoon Creator (Don’t you just love it?) Dear Reader: I just had to insert this cartoon when I “randomly” came across it because unplugging and plugging back in are my “friends” in solving any computer problem … Continue reading

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A Smile…The Most Beautiful Thing in Life

Dear Reader: When I turned to my Mary Englebreit’s calendar today and saw today’s illustration… I smiled. I remembered an incident that took place earlier this week that strengthened my earlier conviction that a smile can take one further than … Continue reading

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It’s Time! Your Imagination Needs “Moodling?”

            Dear Reader: In Simple Abundance Sarah Breathnach discusses the demise of “hobbies.” Why are people suddenly so busy that they can’t take a vacation or a “stay“cation any more. Why can’t people leave work … Continue reading

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Mosiac Musings…

Dear Reader: I love having my two mosiac window sills hanging in my (once) lonely hallway. They can no longer pick up the sun’s lights but just the sheer beauty of their designs and my memory of placing each piece … Continue reading

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A Look at Lent Through Different Eyes

Dear Reader: By most calculations we are well into the Christian Lent season of sacrifice and repentance. Many churches and cathedrals use this time to display beautiful paintings from the life of Christ….especially scenes from different parables and symbolic drawings … Continue reading

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“Not Knowing When the Dawn will Come I Open Every Door”

Dear Reader: I love Emily Dickinson’s works but I think I would change one word in this quote….from door to window. “Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every window.” Sunday morning I was up early and had … Continue reading

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The Sun’s Treasure Hunt in the Garden

Dear Reader: It just so happened that the timing was perfect yesterday morning to capture the sun’s first rays hitting the yard and the garden. It was breath-taking. The word that kept coming to mind to describe this early morning … Continue reading

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“The Question is not What You look at but What You See”

Dear Reader: It was Henry David Thoreau  who said: “The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” No truer words were ever spoken. After my cousins left Thursday to return home, I returned to Simple to Sublime … Continue reading

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“Ah…the Pirates’ Life for Me”

Dear Reader: Marcia and Susan physically left yesterday but I can still feel their spirit and presence within my home. We let decades go by without seeing each other and yet we took up each other’s thoughts and sentences as … Continue reading

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“The Only Person You are Destined to Become is the Person You Decide to Be”

Dear Reader: Over the past two days Marcia, Susan, and I have had time to start peeling back the layers of past events in our lives to reveal what connects us as cousins….the blood-line of similar values. We shared lots … Continue reading

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